The Power of Compounding
Obtaining the financial freedom and abundance you deserve is easy. The secret to getting beyond scarcity is to start beyond it by feeling a sense of abundance right now and living your life as if you already were financially independent.
1. Make it a must Give yourself a compelling future that makes it impossible for you to fail. My must for financial independence was the birth of my son and my desire to give him an extraordinary quality of life.
2. Get hungry Stop blaming everyone else. Set your goals, make them a must and commit to making the necessary changes now.
3. Add value to other people’s lives Remember, your income is in direct proportion to your contribution.
4. Don’t be a victim of the “tall poppy syndrome” Other people may want to chop you down to their size, but don’t let that happen!
The Power of Compounding
Compounding occurs when you invest money and allow it to continuously reinvest itself. With this strategy, you’ll realize explosive growth beyond your wildest imagination.
• In an 18-hole golf game, if you bet just 10 cents on the first hole and double your bet every hole thereafter, the last hole will be worth $13,107.20. No matter how little you start with, you must start now! If you wait until the third hole to begin, betting on 15 holes instead of 18, the total comes to only $1,600.
• Saving $150 a month ($5 a day) at a 15% annual return for 30 years yields $1,051,000.
• Saving $250 a month in that same period of time produces $7.8 million
• Investing $100 a month at your child’s birth at a 15% rate of return results in $110,000 when the child turns 19. Leave it alone, and it grows to $9.6 million when he or she is age 50, $32.9 million at age 60, and $158 million at age 70!
• UPS deliveryman Ted Johnson never made more than $30,000 a year but left a legacy of more than $70 million!
Statistics show you’re going to live a long time. What are you going to do when you get there? Handling your finances is critical, and compounding is the ticket, so start investing now. If you’re not willing to take a dime out of a dollar today, you won’t be anymore likely to take a hundred thousand out of a million later.
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