The Key to a Strong, Healthy and Vital Life
Relationships, finances, emotions, your career . . . none of these matter if you don’t have your health. To avoid ending up as “the richest person in the graveyard,” make your health an absolute priority.
Don’t let anyone convince you to give this responsibility to “experts.” You must be your own authority. Model people who not only have studied the subject but have consistently used it to achieve the results you desire. With a few simple changes, you can give yourself the gifts of explosive energy, improved immune function and weight loss.
The Truth about Germs and Illness
Ten people can be exposed to the same germ, but not all of them become ill. Why? Because germs are not the source of disease. Contact with a specific germ is not an absolute guarantee of contracting disease. Several other factors are involved:
• The amount of stress or emotion in your life
• Your genetic tendencies
• The things you do to keep your body in balance
• The pollution level of your environment (your body)
• Your philosophies about health
Acid in the system disrupts the balance, causing red blood cells to stick together, weaken and die. When this happens, more acid is released into the bloodstream, causing a vicious and deadly cycle of pollution. The body tries to compensate by calling upon its alkaline reserves, but eventually these are depleted and acid wreaks havoc, burning through your arteries. Again, the body tries to compensate by lining the artery walls with cholesterol . . . another deadly solution!
Alkalize and Energize
The key to maintaining balance is found in two simple steps:
STEP 1: Alkalize
Alkalizing breaks the cycle of excess acid. It’s the difference between life and death, between losing weight and keeping it on.
STEP 2: Energize
Your body operates on a subtle electromagnetic current. Your brain, your heart and all of your organs emit fields of electrical impulses. Foods provide value only when they can be converted into the elements necessary for this chemistry to take place. Energizing means avoiding foods that take away more energy than they provide.
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