The first step in finding and attracting your ideal mate is defining what you want in that person. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, your ideal mate could walk right by you and you might not even notice him or her! By clarifying precisely what you want and reviewing your list each day, you will literally program your unconscious to help you find your ideal person.
EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate
The Ideal Mate
Describe your ideal mate’s traits, habits, qualities, appearance—everything you can think of that would be important to you.
The Mate from Hell
If you have a hard time coming up with your “wish list,” start by defining “the mate from hell.” Write about the person you couldn’t stand to be with. What traits would they have? What qualities could you not stand?
Attract Your Ideal Mate
EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate (continued)
What Kind of Person Would You Have to Be to Attract Such a Mate? You need to become the kind of person you would like to find. Describe the values, characteristics, conduct and habits you would need in order to deserve the mate you just described.
Deal with Challenges
Closing the Gap
To close the gap between where you are and where you want to be, you’ve got to know where you really are.
How to Deal with the Inevitable Challenges That Will Arise
Challenges show up in every relationship. If the same ones seem to keep popping up and if they seem overwhelming, it may be that your natures are completely different and not complementary or that you don’t share the same values.
Running from a relationship is not the answer. Anywhere you go, you take yourself with you! Honesty and clear communication are the only solutions.
• Have an honest conversation with your partner about ways to meet both your needs and theirs.
• Make yourself stronger and better, give more, focus on their needs.
Sometimes you have to make the hardest decision of all about the relationship. Get clear on what’s best for you and the other person.
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