Finding Your Real Inner Drive
Everything on earth has a purpose—and that includes you! Your purpose in life provides you with
an inner drive that, once you tap into it, can give you immense fulfillment and unlimited joy.
Your Purpose in Life
• does not change
• is eternal
• is available to you each and every moment
Three Decisions Shape Your Life
Everything you do has a consequence. What ultimately shapes your life, though, are the decisions
you make. You can have the life you deserve, where all your consequences are positive ones. How?
By making these three decisions:
1. Decide what to focus on
What you focus on determines how you think, feel, contribute. Choose an empowering
focus in every situation.
2. Decide what things mean
Meaning is something you determine. You cannot control events, but you can control what
events mean to you.
3. Decide what you will do when something happens
Remember, God’s delays are not God’s denials . . . unless you give up.
Discover the Sources of Pain
Whatever drives you shapes your life. Human beings are primarily driven by two things: the need to
avoid pain and the need to gain pleasure. Pain can be useful, like when a child learns to stay away from
a hot stove, or pain can be destructive, as it was for the woman who believed marriage equaled death.
Why am I feeling this pain?
1. What unique thing is happening when I feel this pain?
2. What recent thing happens about the same time I feel the pain?
3. What consistent factor is present when I experience the pain?
If you’re experiencing pain in any area of your life, these three questions can help you discover the
source, decide whether it’s helping or hurting you and give you the information you need to create
a deeper meaning.
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