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The Power of a Compelling Future


How Will You Know Your Life’s Purpose? When You Decide What It Is!

 •According to the Massachusetts Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the most important risk factor in dying of your first heart attack is job dissatisfaction. Make sure you have a deeper meaning for your life than “I’m on that grindstone again!” 

• Victor Frankl, a Nazi concentration camp survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, found his purpose in his future. He vowed that somehow he would survive, share his story and make sure that nothing like the Holocaust could ever happen again. 

• Near the end of his life, actor Michael Landon discovered a profound truth. In reminding people to live life to the fullest, every minute of every day, he developed a compelling purpose for his final days. 

Your Purpose in Life Is Up to You

Are you being efficient or effective? Being efficient means doing things right. Being effective means doing the right things.

Why Some People Don’t Win the Game of Life

So many people feel like they can’t win the game of life. Why? For these seven reasons:

1. They don’t know the purpose of the game. 

2. Even though they don’t know the purpose, they have rules for themselves and everyone else about how the game must be played. 

3. Their rules are in conflict. 

4. Even when they play by the rules, they don’t always win. 

5. Sometimes they get rewarded for breaking the rules. 

6. They have to work with other people who all have the wrong rules. 

7. They think it’s a life-and-death game, putting so much fear and pressure on themselves that they never truly live.


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