In Think and Grow Rich Hill writes: "If you pray for a thing, but have fear as you pray that you may not receive it, or that your prayer will not be acted upon by infinite intelligence, your prayer will have been in vain."
The three most important factors that enter into the process of organizing effort are Concentration, Cooperation, and coordination. We are living in an age of cooperative effort. Nearly all successful businesses are conducted under some form of Cooperation. The same is true in the field of industry and finance, as well as in the professional field.
It is slowly becoming obvious that those who most efficiently apply the principle of cooperative effort survive longest, and that this principle applies from the lowest form of animal life to the highest form of human endeavor.
Cooperation is the very foundation of all successful Leadership.
Personal power is developed by organizing and coordinating the faculties of the mind.
The development of personal power is just the first step to be taken in the development of the potential power that is available to you through the medium of allied effort, or Cooperation, which may be called group power.
It is a well-known fact that all who have amassed large fortunes have been known as able"organizers'' This means that they had the ability to enlist the cooperative efforts of others who supplied talent and
ability which they themselves did not possess.
It is evident, therefore, that mere organized effort is not sufficient to ensure outstanding success. The organization must also consist of individuals who each supply some specialized talent that the other
members of the organization do not have.
A well-organized law firm would include talent that was specialized in the preparation of cases; people of vision and Imagination who understood how to harmonize the law and the evidence of a case under a sound plan. But those who have such ability do not always have the ability to try a case in court. Therefore, people who are proficient in court procedure must also be available.
In forming a law partnership, the person who understood the principles of organized, cooperative effort would surround themselves with talent that was specialized in every branch of law and legal procedure in which they intended to practice. The person who had no concept of the potential power of these principles would probably select their associates by the usual hit-or-miss method, basing their selections more on personality or acquaintanceship than on consideration of the particular type of legal talent that each possessed.
In nearly all commercial undertakings, there is a need for at least three kinds of talent: buyers, salespeople, and those who are familiar with finance. It will be readily seen that when these three organize and coordinate their efforts they avail themselves, through this form of Cooperation, of a power that no single individual of the group has.
Many a business fails because all of the people behind it are salespeople, or financial people, or buyers. By nature, the most able salespeople are optimistic, enthusiastic, and emotional, while able financial people, as a rule, are unemotional, deliberate, and conservative. Both types are essential to the success of a commercial enterprise, but either will prove too much of a burden for any business,
without the modifying influence of the other.
It is generally conceded that James J. Hill was the most efficient railroad builder that America ever produced, but it is equally well known that he was not a civil engineer or a bridge builder or a loco
motive engineer or a mechanical engineer or a chemist, although these highly specialized talents are all essential in the building of railroads.
Mr. Hill understood the principles of organized effort and Cooperation. Therefore, he surrounded himself with men who possessed all the
necessary ability which he lacked.
No less sure of destruction are those unfortunate souls who are caught in the great maelstrom of life toward which all who do not understand the principle of organized cooperative effort are traveling. We are living in a world in which the law of the survival of the fittest is everywhere in evidence. Those who are "fit" are those who have power, and power is organized effort.
Unfortunate is the person who, either through ignorance or because of egotism, imagines that they can sail this sea of life on independence. Such a person will discover that there are maelstroms
more dangerous than any mere whirlpool of unfriendly waters. All natural laws and all of Nature's plans are based upon harmonious cooperative effort as all who have attained high places in the world have discovered.
Success in life cannot be attained except through peaceful, harmonious cooperative effort. Nor can success be attained single-handedly or independently.
The more one becomes a part of civilization, the more dependent on cooperative effort they become.
Moreover, the person whose philosophy is based on Cooperation instead of competition will not only acquire the necessities and the luxuries of life with less effort, but they will also enjoy an extrareward in happiness such as others will never feel.
Fortunes that are acquired through cooperative effort inflict no scars on the hearts of their owners, which is more than can be said of fortunes that are acquired through conflict and competitive methods that border on extortion.
The accumulation of material wealth, whether the object is that of bare existence or of luxury, consumes most of the time that we put into this earthly struggle. If we cannot change this materialistic tendency of human nature, we can, at least, change the method of pursuing it by adopting Cooperation as the basis of the pursuit.
Cooperation offers the twofold reward of providing one with both the necessities and the luxuries of life and the peace of mind that the greedy never know. The avaricious and covetous person may amass a great fortune in material wealth, there is no denying this, but they will have sold their soul in the bargain.
-George Shinn
Cooperation is the very foundation of all successful Leadership.
Personal power is developed by organizing and coordinating the faculties of the mind.
The development of personal power is just the first step to be taken in the development of the potential power that is available to you through the medium of allied effort, or Cooperation, which may be called group power.
It is a well-known fact that all who have amassed large fortunes have been known as able"organizers'' This means that they had the ability to enlist the cooperative efforts of others who supplied talent and
ability which they themselves did not possess.
It is evident, therefore, that mere organized effort is not sufficient to ensure outstanding success. The organization must also consist of individuals who each supply some specialized talent that the other
members of the organization do not have.
A well-organized law firm would include talent that was specialized in the preparation of cases; people of vision and Imagination who understood how to harmonize the law and the evidence of a case under a sound plan. But those who have such ability do not always have the ability to try a case in court. Therefore, people who are proficient in court procedure must also be available.
-W. Alton Jones
In nearly all commercial undertakings, there is a need for at least three kinds of talent: buyers, salespeople, and those who are familiar with finance. It will be readily seen that when these three organize and coordinate their efforts they avail themselves, through this form of Cooperation, of a power that no single individual of the group has.
Many a business fails because all of the people behind it are salespeople, or financial people, or buyers. By nature, the most able salespeople are optimistic, enthusiastic, and emotional, while able financial people, as a rule, are unemotional, deliberate, and conservative. Both types are essential to the success of a commercial enterprise, but either will prove too much of a burden for any business,
without the modifying influence of the other.
It is generally conceded that James J. Hill was the most efficient railroad builder that America ever produced, but it is equally well known that he was not a civil engineer or a bridge builder or a loco
motive engineer or a mechanical engineer or a chemist, although these highly specialized talents are all essential in the building of railroads.
Mr. Hill understood the principles of organized effort and Cooperation. Therefore, he surrounded himself with men who possessed all the
necessary ability which he lacked.
No less sure of destruction are those unfortunate souls who are caught in the great maelstrom of life toward which all who do not understand the principle of organized cooperative effort are traveling. We are living in a world in which the law of the survival of the fittest is everywhere in evidence. Those who are "fit" are those who have power, and power is organized effort.
Unfortunate is the person who, either through ignorance or because of egotism, imagines that they can sail this sea of life on independence. Such a person will discover that there are maelstroms
more dangerous than any mere whirlpool of unfriendly waters. All natural laws and all of Nature's plans are based upon harmonious cooperative effort as all who have attained high places in the world have discovered.
Success in life cannot be attained except through peaceful, harmonious cooperative effort. Nor can success be attained single-handedly or independently.
The more one becomes a part of civilization, the more dependent on cooperative effort they become.
Moreover, the person whose philosophy is based on Cooperation instead of competition will not only acquire the necessities and the luxuries of life with less effort, but they will also enjoy an extrareward in happiness such as others will never feel.
Fortunes that are acquired through cooperative effort inflict no scars on the hearts of their owners, which is more than can be said of fortunes that are acquired through conflict and competitive methods that border on extortion.
The accumulation of material wealth, whether the object is that of bare existence or of luxury, consumes most of the time that we put into this earthly struggle. If we cannot change this materialistic tendency of human nature, we can, at least, change the method of pursuing it by adopting Cooperation as the basis of the pursuit.
Cooperation offers the twofold reward of providing one with both the necessities and the luxuries of life and the peace of mind that the greedy never know. The avaricious and covetous person may amass a great fortune in material wealth, there is no denying this, but they will have sold their soul in the bargain.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
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