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Self Control Part 2

The man who actually knows just what he wants in life has already gone a long way toward attaining it.

No "opportunities" come your way? Perhaps they come but you do not see them.

A person with well-developed Self-Control does not indulge in hatred,envy,jealousy,fear,revenge, or any similar destructive emotions. A person with well-developed self-control does not go into ecstasies or become ungovernable enthusiastic over anything or anybody.

Greed and selfishness and excessive self approval indicate lack of self-control in one of its most dangerous forms.

Self Confidence is one of its most dangerous forms. Self Confidence is one of the important essentials of success, but when this faculty is developed beyond the point of reason, it becomes very dangerous.

Self Sacrifice is a commendable quality, but when carried to extremes it also becomes one of the dangerous forms of lack of self control.

Love is essential for happiness, but the person who loves so deeply that his or her happiness is placed entirely in the hands of another is literally out of control.

A person with well developed self-control will not permit himself or herself to be influenced by cynic or the pessimist; nor will they permit another person to do their thinking for them.

A person with well-developed self-control will stimulate their imagination and enthusiasm until they have produced action, but will then control that action and not permit it to control them.

A person with well developed self-control will never slander another person or seek revenge for any cause whatsoever.

A person with self-control will not hate those who do not agree with them instead, they will endeavor to understand the reason for their disagreement and profit by it.

Another grievous form of lack of self-control is the habit of spending beyond one's needs

A little savings account will attract many opportunity that would not come your way without it. The size of the account is not as important as the fact that you established the habit of saving.

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
-Ambrose Bierce

The modern tendency of those who work for a salary is to spend it all.

If a person who receives $15,000 a year manages to get along it fairly well, receives an increase of $1,000 a year, do they continue to live on $15,000 and put the increased portion of their income into savings or investments? No, not unless he/she is one of the few who developed the savings habit. Then what do they do with this additional $1,000? They trade in the old automobile and buy a new, more expensive one, and the end of the year they are more poorer on a $16,000 income than they were previously on a $15,000 income

Self Discipline is the most essential factor in the development of personal power.
It enables you to control your appetite and your tendency to spend more than you earn, and that habit of "striking back" at those who offend you, as well as the other destructive habits that cause you to dissipate your energies through non productive effort.

Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are taken together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

"You have a tremendous advantage over the man who does you an injury: you have it within your power to forgive him, while he has no such advantage over you."

Repressed, emotions, especially the emotion of hatred, resemble a bomb that has been constructed of high explosives, unless they are handled as an expert would handled a bomb, they are as dangerous. A feeling of anger or hatred may also be rendered harmless by giving expression to it in a manner that harmonizes with the principle of psychoanalysis.


Before you can achieve success in the higher and broader sense, you must gain such through control over yourself that you will be a person of poise.

While others may sidetrack your ambitions not a few times, remember that discouragement most frequently comes from within.

No other animal has ever been endowed with such self-control as you possess. You have been endowed with the power to use the most highly organized form of energy known that of thought.
It is not improbable that thought is the closest connecting link there is between the material, physical things of this world and the world of divinity.

You have not only the power to think, but what is a thousand times more important still, you have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding!
I repeat, you have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding!

Your brain may be likened to a dynamo, in that it generates or sets into motion the mysterious energy called thought.
The stimuli that start your brain into action are of two sorts: one is autosuggestion and the other is suggestion.

It is a humiliating fact that the most thought is produced by the outside suggestions of others, and it is more humiliating still to have to admit that the majority of us accept this suggestion without examining it or questioning its soundness.

We are swayed by the gossip and idle chatter of others as thought every word were true. Thought is the only thing over which you have absolute control. Yet you permit other people to enter the sacred mansion of your mind and there deposit, through suggestion, their troubles and woes, adversities and falsehoods, just as though you did not have the power to close the door and keep them out.

You have within your control the power to select the material that constitutes the dominating thoughts of your mind, and just as surely as you are reading these lines, those thoughts which dominate your mind will bring you success or failure, according to their nature.
Thought is your most important tool; the one with which you may shape your worldly destiny according to your own liking.

Self control is solely a  matter of thought control! when you deliberately choose the thoughts that dominate your mind, and firmly refuse admittance to outside suggestion, you are exercising self control in its highest form. Human beings are the only animals that can do this.

Thought, whether accurate or inaccurate, is the most highly organized functioning power of your mind, and that you are but the sum total of your dominating or most prominent thoughts.

The master salesperson is the one who persuades others to accept his or her suggestions. The master salesperson becomes a dominating personality.


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