Concentration means the ability, through fixed habit and practice, to keep your
mind on one subject until you have thoroughly familiarized yourself with that subject and mastered it. It means the ability to control
your attention and focus it on a given problem until you have solved that problem. It means the ability to throw off the effects of those
habits you wish to discard, and the power to build new habits. It means
complete self-mastery.
Concentration is the ability to think as you wish to think, the
ability to control your thoughts and direct them to a definite end,
and the ability to organize your knowledge into a plan of action that
is sound and workable.
You can readily see that in concentrating your mind on your
Definite Chief Aim in life, you must also cover many closely related
subjects that blend into each other and complete the main subject on
which you are concentrating.
Ambition and desire are the major factors that enter into the act
of successful Concentration. Without these factors the magic key is
useless, and the main reason why so few people make use of this key
is that most people lack ambition, and desire nothing in particular.
Desire whatever you may, and if your desire is within reason and
if it is strong enough, the magic key of Concentration will help you
attain it. There are many scientists and research psychologists who
believe that the power of prayer operates through the principle of
Concentration on the attainment of a deeply seated desire.
Nothing was ever created by a human being that was not first
created in the Imagination, through desire, and then transformed into
reality through Concentration.
First you must get rid of skepticism and doubt. No unbeliever ever enjoyed the benefits of this magic key. You must believe in the test that you are about to make.
On a plain sheet of letter-size paper write the following:
I am going to become a powerful public speaker because
this will enable me to render the world useful service that is
needed-and because it will yield me a financial return that
will provide me with the necessary material things of life.
I will concentrate my mind on this desire for ten minutes
daily, just before retiring at night and just after arising in the
morning, for the purpose of determining just how I shall
proceed to transform it into reality.
I know I can become a powerful and magnetic speaker,
therefore I will permit nothing to interfere with my doing so.
Signed ...................................
After signing this pledge, proceed to do as you have given your
word that you would do. Keep it up until the desired results have been
When you come to do your concentrating, look ahead one, three,
five, or even ten years, and see yourself as the most powerful speaker
of your time. See, in your Imagination, an appropriate income. See
yourself in your own home that you have purchased with the proceeds
from your efforts as a speaker or lecturer. See yourself in possession of
a nice bank account for your retirement. See yourself as a person of influence, due to your great ability as a public speaker. See yourself
engaged in a life-calling in which you will not fear the loss of your
position. Paint this picture clearly, through the powers of your Imagination,
and it will soon become transformed into a beautiful picture of deeply
seated desire. Use this desire as the chief object of your Concentration
and observe what happens.
You should now understand how the secret of the magic key
is Concentration. Do not underestimate its power because it did
not come to you clothed in mysticism, or because it is described in
language that anyone can understand. All great truths are simple in
final analysis, and easily understood. If they are not, they are not
great truths.
Use the magic key with intelligence and only for the attainment
of worthy ends, and it will bring you enduring happiness and suc
cess. Forget the mistakes you have made and the failures you have
experienced. Quit living in the past, for your yesterdays never return. If your previous efforts have not turned out well, start all over again
and make the future tell a story of success.
Make a name for yourself and render the world a great service,
through ambition, desire, and concentrated effort. You can do it if you believe you can!
When you become familiar with the powers of Concentration, it
becomes clear why it is so important to choose a Definite Chief Aim
as the first step in the attainment of enduring success.
The presence of any idea or thought in your consciousness tends
to produce an "associated" feeling and urge you to an appropriate
or corresponding action. Hold a deeply seated desire in your consciousness, through the principle of Concentration, and if you do it
with full faith in its realization, this act will attract powers that the
entire scientific world has failed to understand or explain.
Concentrate your mind on the attainment of the object of your
deeply seated desire and soon you will attract, through those forces that no one can explain, the material counterparts of that desire.
When two or more people ally themselves, in a spirit
of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end, if
that alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed,
the alliance brings, to each of them, power that is superhuman and
seemingly irresistible in nature.
Science has yet to determine the name of the law behind this
statement, but it is this law that I have had in mind, throughout this course, when I repeatedly refer to the power of organized effort
You have undoubtedly noticed how you are influenced in the presence of other people. Some people inspire you with optimism and Enthusiasm. Their very presence seems to stimulate your own mind to greater action, and this not only seems to be true but it is true. You have also noticed that the presence of some others had a tendency to lower your vitality and depress you; a tendency which I can assure you was very real!
When two or more people ally themselves, in a spirit of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end, if that alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed, the alliance brings, to each of them, power that is superhuman and seemingly irresistible in nature.
One atom of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen will not produce water, and nor will an alliance in name only-that is not accompanied by "a spirit of perfect harmony" between those forming the alliance-produce "power that is superhuman and seemingly irresistible in nature.
Plant a tiny apple seed in the right sort of soil, at the right time of the year, and gradually it will burst forth into a tiny sprig, then in time it will expand and grow into an apple tree. That tree does not come from the seed alone, or from the soil, or from the elements of
the air, but from all of these sources working together
When two or more people ally themselves, "in a spirit of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end;'' the end itself, or the desire for that end, may be likened to the apple seed, and the
blending of the forces of energy of the two or more minds may be
likened to the seed, the air, and the soil out of which come the elements
that form the material objects of that desire.
mind on one subject until you have thoroughly familiarized yourself with that subject and mastered it. It means the ability to control
your attention and focus it on a given problem until you have solved that problem. It means the ability to throw off the effects of those
habits you wish to discard, and the power to build new habits. It means
complete self-mastery.
Concentration is the ability to think as you wish to think, the
ability to control your thoughts and direct them to a definite end,
and the ability to organize your knowledge into a plan of action that
is sound and workable.
You can readily see that in concentrating your mind on your
Definite Chief Aim in life, you must also cover many closely related
subjects that blend into each other and complete the main subject on
which you are concentrating.
Ambition and desire are the major factors that enter into the act
of successful Concentration. Without these factors the magic key is
useless, and the main reason why so few people make use of this key
is that most people lack ambition, and desire nothing in particular.
Desire whatever you may, and if your desire is within reason and
if it is strong enough, the magic key of Concentration will help you
attain it. There are many scientists and research psychologists who
believe that the power of prayer operates through the principle of
Concentration on the attainment of a deeply seated desire.
Nothing was ever created by a human being that was not first
created in the Imagination, through desire, and then transformed into
reality through Concentration.
The aid of a definite formula.
On a plain sheet of letter-size paper write the following:
I am going to become a powerful public speaker because
this will enable me to render the world useful service that is
needed-and because it will yield me a financial return that
will provide me with the necessary material things of life.
I will concentrate my mind on this desire for ten minutes
daily, just before retiring at night and just after arising in the
morning, for the purpose of determining just how I shall
proceed to transform it into reality.
I know I can become a powerful and magnetic speaker,
therefore I will permit nothing to interfere with my doing so.
Signed ...................................
After signing this pledge, proceed to do as you have given your
word that you would do. Keep it up until the desired results have been
When you come to do your concentrating, look ahead one, three,
five, or even ten years, and see yourself as the most powerful speaker
of your time. See, in your Imagination, an appropriate income. See
yourself in your own home that you have purchased with the proceeds
from your efforts as a speaker or lecturer. See yourself in possession of
a nice bank account for your retirement. See yourself as a person of influence, due to your great ability as a public speaker. See yourself
engaged in a life-calling in which you will not fear the loss of your
position. Paint this picture clearly, through the powers of your Imagination,
and it will soon become transformed into a beautiful picture of deeply
seated desire. Use this desire as the chief object of your Concentration
and observe what happens.
You should now understand how the secret of the magic key
is Concentration. Do not underestimate its power because it did
not come to you clothed in mysticism, or because it is described in
language that anyone can understand. All great truths are simple in
final analysis, and easily understood. If they are not, they are not
great truths.
Use the magic key with intelligence and only for the attainment
of worthy ends, and it will bring you enduring happiness and suc
cess. Forget the mistakes you have made and the failures you have
experienced. Quit living in the past, for your yesterdays never return. If your previous efforts have not turned out well, start all over again
and make the future tell a story of success.
Make a name for yourself and render the world a great service,
through ambition, desire, and concentrated effort. You can do it if you believe you can!
-Wilferd A. Peterson
becomes clear why it is so important to choose a Definite Chief Aim
as the first step in the attainment of enduring success.
The presence of any idea or thought in your consciousness tends
to produce an "associated" feeling and urge you to an appropriate
or corresponding action. Hold a deeply seated desire in your consciousness, through the principle of Concentration, and if you do it
with full faith in its realization, this act will attract powers that the
entire scientific world has failed to understand or explain.
Concentrate your mind on the attainment of the object of your
deeply seated desire and soon you will attract, through those forces that no one can explain, the material counterparts of that desire.
When two or more people ally themselves, in a spirit
of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end, if
that alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed,
the alliance brings, to each of them, power that is superhuman and
seemingly irresistible in nature.
Science has yet to determine the name of the law behind this
statement, but it is this law that I have had in mind, throughout this course, when I repeatedly refer to the power of organized effort
-Winston Churchill
This world, and all matter, is made up of a form of energy. On the other hand, thought, and that which we call the "mind," is also a form of energy. Thought, in other words, is organized energy.You have undoubtedly noticed how you are influenced in the presence of other people. Some people inspire you with optimism and Enthusiasm. Their very presence seems to stimulate your own mind to greater action, and this not only seems to be true but it is true. You have also noticed that the presence of some others had a tendency to lower your vitality and depress you; a tendency which I can assure you was very real!
When two or more people ally themselves, in a spirit of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end, if that alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed, the alliance brings, to each of them, power that is superhuman and seemingly irresistible in nature.
One atom of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen will not produce water, and nor will an alliance in name only-that is not accompanied by "a spirit of perfect harmony" between those forming the alliance-produce "power that is superhuman and seemingly irresistible in nature.
Plant a tiny apple seed in the right sort of soil, at the right time of the year, and gradually it will burst forth into a tiny sprig, then in time it will expand and grow into an apple tree. That tree does not come from the seed alone, or from the soil, or from the elements of
the air, but from all of these sources working together
When two or more people ally themselves, "in a spirit of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end;'' the end itself, or the desire for that end, may be likened to the apple seed, and the
blending of the forces of energy of the two or more minds may be
likened to the seed, the air, and the soil out of which come the elements
that form the material objects of that desire.
-Albert Schweitzer
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-John D. Rockefeller
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