There are essentially two kinds of people of action. One might be called the caretaker type and the other the promoter or salesperson type. Both types are essential in business, industry, and finance. One of them is known as a dynamo while the other is often referred to as a balance wheel.
Once in a great while you find someone who is both a dynamo and a balance wheel, but such a personality combination is rare. Most successful business organizations are made up of both types.
The balance-wheel type who does nothing but compile facts and figures and statistics is just as much a person of action as the one who gets on a stage and sells an idea to a thousand people by the sheer
power of their active personality. To determine whether or not someone is a person of action, it is necessary to analyze both their mental and their physical habits.
The world pays you for what you do and not for what you know. That statement might easily be misconstrued. What the world really pays you for is what you do or what you can get others to do.
A person who can induce others to cooperate and do effective teamwork, or inspire others so that they become more active, is no less a person of action than the one who renders effective service in
a more direct manner.
In the field of industry and business there are people who have the ability to so inspire and direct the efforts of others that all under their direction accomplish more than they could without this directing influence.
Once in a great while you find someone who is both a dynamo and a balance wheel, but such a personality combination is rare. Most successful business organizations are made up of both types.
The balance-wheel type who does nothing but compile facts and figures and statistics is just as much a person of action as the one who gets on a stage and sells an idea to a thousand people by the sheer
power of their active personality. To determine whether or not someone is a person of action, it is necessary to analyze both their mental and their physical habits.
The world pays you for what you do and not for what you know. That statement might easily be misconstrued. What the world really pays you for is what you do or what you can get others to do.
A person who can induce others to cooperate and do effective teamwork, or inspire others so that they become more active, is no less a person of action than the one who renders effective service in
a more direct manner.
In the field of industry and business there are people who have the ability to so inspire and direct the efforts of others that all under their direction accomplish more than they could without this directing influence.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
The gain is not all on
the side of the leaders. Those under their direction often profit most
by their Leadership.
In finding your own place in the world, you should analyze yourself to find out whether you are a dynamo or a balance wheel, then
select a Definite Chief Aim that harmonizes with your native ability.
If you are in business with others, you should analyze them as well as yourself, and endeavor to see that each person takes the part for
which their temperament and native ability best fit.
Place the caretaker type in charge of a set of books and they are
happy, but place them on the outside selling and they are unhappy
and will be a failure at their job. Place the promoter type in charge
of a set of books and they will be miserable. Their nature demands
more intense action. Action of the passive type will not satisfy their
ambitions, and if they are kept at work that does not give them
the action that their nature demands, they will be a failure. It very
frequently turns out that people who embezzle funds in their charge
are of the promoter type and they would not have yielded to that
temptation had their efforts been confined to the work for which
they are best suited.
Too often the mistake is made, in the selection of a life's work,
of engaging only in the work that seems to be the most monetarily
profitable. If money alone brought success, this procedure would be
all right, but success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of
mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the person
who has found the work that they like best.
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