No matter how practical your plans may be, they will be useless if they are not expressed in action. To dream dreams and see visions of the person you would like to be or the station in life you would like to attain are admirable, provided you transform your dreams and visions into reality through intensive action.
There are some people who dream but do nothing more. There are others who take the visions of the dreamers and translate them into stone, and marble, and music, and good books, and railroads, and steamships. There are still others who both dream and transform their dreams into reality. They are the dreamer-doer types.
There is a psychological as well as an economic reason why you should form the habit of intensive action. Your body is made up of billions of tiny cells that are highly sensitive and amenable to the
influence of your mind. If your mind is lethargic and inactive, the cells of your body become lazy and inactive also. If you doubt this, the next time you feel lazy think about an activity of which you are
fond and notice how quickly the cells of your body will respond to your Enthusiasm and your lazy feeling will disappear.
The cells of the human body respond to a person's state of mind in exactly the same manner that the people of a city respond to the mass psychology that dominates the city. If a group of leaders engages in sufficient action to give a city the reputation of being an "alive" city, this action influences all who live there. The same principle applies to the relationship between the mind and the body. An active, dynamic mind keeps the cells of the body in a constant state of activity.
You cannot be a person of action if you overeat and under exercise. Neither can you be a person of action if you run to the pill bottle every time you have, or imagine you have, an ache or a pain.
There are some people who dream but do nothing more. There are others who take the visions of the dreamers and translate them into stone, and marble, and music, and good books, and railroads, and steamships. There are still others who both dream and transform their dreams into reality. They are the dreamer-doer types.
There is a psychological as well as an economic reason why you should form the habit of intensive action. Your body is made up of billions of tiny cells that are highly sensitive and amenable to the
influence of your mind. If your mind is lethargic and inactive, the cells of your body become lazy and inactive also. If you doubt this, the next time you feel lazy think about an activity of which you are
fond and notice how quickly the cells of your body will respond to your Enthusiasm and your lazy feeling will disappear.
The cells of the human body respond to a person's state of mind in exactly the same manner that the people of a city respond to the mass psychology that dominates the city. If a group of leaders engages in sufficient action to give a city the reputation of being an "alive" city, this action influences all who live there. The same principle applies to the relationship between the mind and the body. An active, dynamic mind keeps the cells of the body in a constant state of activity.
You cannot be a person of action if you overeat and under exercise. Neither can you be a person of action if you run to the pill bottle every time you have, or imagine you have, an ache or a pain.
-Robert Fulghum
There is another enemy you must conquer before you can become a person of action, and that is the worry habit.
Worry, envy, jealousy, hatred, doubt, and fear are all states of mind that are fatal to action. These negative states of mind destroy the most essential factor in the achievement of success-the desire
to achieve.
Your chief aim in life should be supported by a burning desire for its realization. You can have no burning desire for achievement when you are in a negative state of mind, no matter what the cause may be.
Very effective way to keep our-self in a positive frame of mind. When I feel out of sorts or inclined to argue with somebody over something that is not worthy of discussion, I get away to where I will disturb no one and I have a good hearty laugh. If I can find nothing really funny to laugh about, I simply have a forced laugh. The effect is the same in both cases. Five minutes of this sort
of mental and physical exercise-for it is both-will stimulate action that is free from negativity. Do not just take this word. Try it!
"As a man thinker in his heart, so is he:' You cannot think fear and act courageously. You cannot think hatred and act in a kindly manner toward others. And the dominating thoughts of your mind-meaning the strongest, deepest, and most frequent of your thoughts-influence the physical action of your body.
Every thought put into action by your brain reaches and influences every cell in your body. When you think fear, your mind will telegraph this thought to the cells that form the muscles of your legs and tell those muscles to get into action and carry you away as rapidly as they can. A person who is afraid runs away because their legs carry them, and they carry them because the fear thought in the person's
mind instructed them to do so, even though the instructions were given unconsciously.
Action, in the sense the term is used in this lesson, is of two forms. One is physical and the other is mental. You can be very active with your mind while your body is entirely inactive. Or you can be very active with both body and mind.
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