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Accurate Thinking Part 4

Infinite Intelligence, may be likened to the one who develops the sensitized plate after a picture has been recorded on it, this bringing the picture into physical reality.

The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs.. One step at a time
-Joe Girard

Bear in mind that you do not sit down and wait, nor do you go to bed and sleep, with the expectation of awaking to find that infinite intelligence has showered you with the object of your definite chief aim. You must work to make it happen, with full faith and confidence that natural ways and means for the attainment of the object of your definite purpose will open to you at the proper time and in a suitable manner.

The way may not open suddenly, from the first step to the last. Often it opens only one step at a time. Therefore, when you are conscious of an opportunity to take the first step, take it without hesitation. And do the same when the second, and the third, and all subsequent steps essential for the attainment of the object of your definite chief aim are manifested to you.

Infinite Intelligence will not build you a home and deliver that home to you ready to enter, but infinite intelligence will open the way and provide the necessary means which you may build your own house.

Infinite Intelligence will not command your bank to place a definite sum of money in your account, just because you suggested this to your subconscious mind, but infinite intelligence will open to you the way in which you may earn or borrow that money and place it in your account yourself.

Do not rely on miracles for the attainment of the object of your definite chief aim; Rely on the power of infinite intelligence to guide you, through natural channels  and with the aid of natural laws, toward its attainment. Do not expect infinite intelligent to bring to you the object of your definite chief aim; instead, expect infinite intelligence to direct you toward that object.

As a beginner, do not expect infinite intelligence to move quickly in your behalf. But as you become more adept in the use of the principle of autosuggestion, and as your faith and understanding grow, you will see the realization of your definite chief aim and its translation into physical reality.

You did not walk the first time you tried, but as you mature you walked without effort.

I remind you to familiarize yourself with the four major factors on accurate thinking: Autosuggestion, the subconscious mind, creative thought, and infinite intelligence. They are the four.

The action required to sustain human life is primarily intellectual: Everything Man needs has to be discovered by his mind and produced by his effort.
-Ayn Rand

You are in control of the first three, and how you travel these three roadways will be up to you. Therefore it will also depend on you as to the time and place at which they will converge into the fourth: Infinite Intelligence.

What is meant by the term creative thought. It means thought of a positive nondestructive, creative nature.

Remember, it is in your subconscious mind that the seed of your definite chief aim is planted, and it is with creative thought that you awaken that see into growth and maturity. Your subconscious mind will not germinate the seed of your definite chief aim, nor will infinite intelligence translate that purpose into physical reality, if you fill your mind with hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and greed. These negative or destructive thoughts will choke out the seed of your definite purpose.

Suggestion and the subconscious mind.

Auto suggestion is a powerful weapon with which one may rise to height of great achievement, when it is used constructively, used in a negative manner, however, it may destroy all possibility of success, and if so used continuously it will actually destroy health.

The hypochondriac is a person who believes he or she is suffering with some sort of imaginary disease, and often believes they have every disease of which they ever heard.

The person who suffers with such a condition is not only unable to think with accuracy, but also suffers from all sorts of destructive, illusory thoughts.

The mind that made you sick can also make you well.

There are times when the mind is sick and it makes the body sick. At such times it needs a stronger mind to heal it by giving it direction and especially by giving it confidence and faith in itself. This is called suggestion. It is transmitting your confidence and power to another, and with such force as to make the other believe as you wish and do as you will. It need not be hypnotism.

It is the duty of every person to read some of the best books on the forces of the human mind and learn what amazing things the mind can do to keep people well and happy. We see the terrible things that wrong thinking does to people, even going to such lengths as to make them positively insane. It is high time we found out the good things the mind can do, not only to cure mental disorders, but physical diseases as well.

Good for the body is the work of the body, Good for the soul is the work of the soul, and Good for either the work of the other.
-Henry David Thoreau

The power of auto suggestion

We can influence ourselves by believing we cannot catch a disease or be sick.

Imagination can kill a person, or it can help you to rise to heights of achievements of the most astounding nature, providing it is used as the basis of self confidence. There are authentic cases on record of men having actually died because they imagined they were cut by a knife across the jugular vein, when in reality a piece of ice was used and water was allowed to drip so they could hear it and imagine their blood was running out. They had been blindfolded before the experiment was begun.

The imaginative faculty of the human mind is a marvelous piece of mental machinery, but it may, and usually does, play tricks on us unless we keep constantly on guard and control it.

If you allow your Imagination to "expect the worst" it will play havoc with you.

The best time to work on a faulty Imagination is at night, just as you are ready to go to sleep, for then the thoughts or suggestions you give your subconscious mind, just as you are ready to go to sleep, for then the thoughts or suggestions you give your subconscious mind, just as your conscious mind is about to go off duty, will be taken up and worked on during the night,

This may seem impossible, but you can easily test the principle:
You wish to get up at seven tomorrow morning. Say to yourself, as you are ready to go to sleep, "I must arise at seven o'clock tomorrow without fail." Repeat this several times, impressing on your mind that you must arise at that precise moment. Turn this thought over to your subconscious mind with absolute confidence that you will awaken at seven o'clock, and when that hour arrives your subconscious mind will awaken you. But you must give the command in no uncertain or indefinite terms.

To learn how to use accurate thinking, one must thoroughly understand the following.
1. The mind can be controlled, guided, and directed to creative, constructive ends.
2. The mind can also be directed to destructive ends, and it may, voluntarily tear down and destroy unless it is carefully controlled and directed constructively.
3. The mind has power over every cell of the body, and it can be made to cause every cell to do its intended work perfectly, or it may, through neglect of wrong direction, destroy the normal functionary purposes of any or all cells.
4. All achievement is the result of thought. The physical body is of secondary importance, and in many instances of no importance whatsoever except as a place to house the mind.
5. The greatest of all achievements, are usually the results of ideas conceived in one person's brain but actually transformed into reality by others, through to combined use of their minds and bodies, (Meaning that the conception of an idea is greater importance than the transformation of that idea into more material form, because relatively few people can conceive useful ideas, while there are millions who can develop an idea and give it material form after it has been conceived.)
6. The majority of all thoughts that are conceived in people's minds are not accurate, being more in the nature of "opinions" or "snap judgments"


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