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Showing posts from November, 2019

Understanding how to become active requires understanding how not to procrastinate

1. Form the habit of each day doing the most distasteful tasks first. This procedure will be difficult in the beginning, but after you have formed the habit you will take pride in first dealing with the hardest and most undesirable part of your work. 2. Place this sign in front of you where you can see it daily while you work, and put a copy where you can see it before you go to sleep and when you arise: "Do not tell them what you can do-show them!" 3. Repeat the following words, aloud, twelve times each night just before you go to sleep: "Tomorrow I will do everything that should be done, when it should be done, and as it should be done. I will perform the most difficult tasks first because this will destroy the habit of procrastination and develop the habit of action in its place." 4. Carry out these instructions with faith in their soundness and with belief that they will develop action, in body and in mind, sufficient to enable you to realize your Definite...


There are essentially two kinds of people of action. One might be called the caretaker type and the other the promoter or salesperson type. Both types are essential in business, industry, and finance. One of them is known as a dynamo while the other is often referred to as a balance wheel. Once in a great while you find someone who is both a dynamo and a balance wheel, but such a personality combination is rare. Most successful business organizations are made up of both types. The balance-wheel type who does nothing but compile facts and figures and statistics is just as much a person of action as the one who gets on a stage and sells an idea to a thousand people by the sheer power of their active personality. To determine whether or not someone is a person of action, it is necessary to analyze both their mental and their physical habits. The world pays you for what you do and not for what you know. That statement might easily be misconstrued. What the world really pays you for ...

Cooperation of mind and body

No matter how practical your plans may be, they will be useless if they are not expressed in action. To dream dreams and see visions of the person you would like to be or the station in life you would like to attain are admirable, provided you transform your dreams and visions into reality through intensive action. There are some people who dream but do nothing more. There are others who take the visions of the dreamers and translate them into stone, and marble, and music, and good books, and railroads, and steamships. There are still others who both dream and transform their dreams into reality. They are the dreamer-doer types. There is a psychological as well as an economic reason why you should form the habit of intensive action. Your body is made up of billions of tiny cells that are highly sensitive and amenable to the influence of your mind. If your mind is lethargic and inactive, the cells of your body become lazy and inactive also. If you doubt this, the next time you feel...

Success Demands Action

All success is based on power, and power grows out of knowledge that has been organized and expressed in terms of action. The world pays for but one kind of knowledge-the kind that is expressed in constructive service. It is not the schooling you have had that counts; it is the extent to which you express that which you learned from your schooling, through well-organized and intelligently directed action. Every city, town, and hamlet has its population of ne'er-do-wells, and if you will analyze these unfortunate people, you will observe that one of their most notable characteristics is procrastination. Lack of action has caused them to slip backward into a rut, where they will remain unless they are unexpectedly forced out and unusual action becomes necessary. Don't let yourself get into that situation. Every office and every shop and every bank and every store and every other place of employment has its outstanding victims of procrastination who are marching down the d...


In Think and Grow Rich Hill writes: "If you pray for a thing, but have fear as you pray that you may not receive it, or that your prayer will not be acted upon by infinite intelligence, your prayer will have been in vain." THERE IS NO SUCH THING  AS A SELF-MADE MAN.  YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOALS  ONLY WITH THE HELP OF OTHERS.  -George Shinn  The three most important factors that enter into the process of organizing effort are Concentration, Cooperation, and coordination. We are living in an age of cooperative effort. Nearly all successful businesses are conducted under some form of Cooperation. The same is true in the field of industry and finance, as well as in the professional field. It is slowly becoming obvious that those who most efficiently apply the principle of cooperative effort survive longest, and that this principle applies from the lowest form of animal life to the highest form of human endeavor. Cooperation is the very foundation of...


THE WORLD BASICALLY AND  FUNDAMENTALLY IS CONSTITUTED  ON THE BASIS OF HARMONY.  EVERYTHING WORKS IN COOPERATION  WITH SOMETHING ELSE.  -Preston Bradley  COOPERATION IS THE BEGINNING OF ALL organized effort. Andrew Carnegie accumulated a gigantic fortune through the cooperative efforts of a small group of men numbering not more than twenty. You, too, can learn how to use this principle. There are two forms of Cooperation that will be discussed in this lesson. The first form is the Cooperation between people who group themselves together or form alliances for the purpose of attaining a given end, under the principles described throughout this course as the law of the Master Mind. The second is the Cooperation between the conscious and the subconscious minds, which is the basis upon which I have built my hypothesis that we can develop the ability to contact, communicate with, and draw upon infinite intelligence. We know that the whole b...


Psychologists are aware that the psychology of a crowd differs from that of the separate individuals composing that crowd. There is a crowd of separate individuals, and a composite crowd in which the emotional natures of the units seem to blend and fuse. The change arises from the influence of earnest attention, or deep emotional appeals, or common interest. When this change occurs, the crowd becomes a composite individual whose intelligence and emotional control is little above that of its weakest member .... The predominant characteristics of this "composite-mindedness" of a crowd are the evidences of extreme suggestibility, response to appeals of emotion, vivid imagination, and action arising from imitation .... Diall, in his Psychology of the Aggregate Mind of an Audience, holds that the mind of an assemblage listening to a powerful speaker undergoes a curious process called "fusion;' by which the individuals in the audience, losing their personal traits for...

Persuasion vs Force

One who understands how to get people to do the things they want done may succeed in any calling. I will now describe those principles through which people are influenced, through which Cooperation is gained, and through which antagonism is eliminated and friendliness developed. Force sometimes gets what appear to be satisfactory results, but force alone never has built and never can build enduring success. The human body can be imprisoned or controlled by physical force, but it is not so with the human mind. No one can control the mind of a normal, healthy person if that person chooses to exercise their God-given right to control their own mind. The majority of the people do not exercise this right. They go through the world, thanks to our faulty educational system, without having discovered the strength that lies dormant in their own minds. Now and then something happens that awakens a person and causes them to discover where their real strength lies and how to use it in the deve...

Memory Training

The three principles through which an accurate and unfaltering memory may be trained are few and comparatively simple: 1. Retention: The receiving of a sense impression through one or more of the five senses, and the recording of this impression in the mind. As stated earlier, this process may be likened to the recording of a picture on the plate of a camera. 2. Recall: The reviving or recalling into the conscious mind of those sense impressions that have been recorded in the subconscious mind. This process could be compared to going through a card index and pulling out a card on which information had been previously recorded. 3. Recognition: The ability to recognize a sense impression when it is called into the conscious mind, to identify it as being a duplicate of the original impression, then to associate it with the source from which it came when it was first recorded. This process enables us to distinguish between memory and imagination. Now let us make applicat...

The power of concentration

Concentration means the ability, through fixed habit and practice, to keep your mind on one subject until you have thoroughly familiarized yourself with that subject and mastered it. It means the ability to control your attention and focus it on a given problem until you have solved that problem. It means the ability to throw off the effects of those habits you wish to discard, and the power to build new habits. It means complete self-mastery. Concentration is the ability to think as you wish to think, the ability to control your thoughts and direct them to a definite end, and the ability to organize your knowledge into a plan of action that is sound and workable. You can readily see that in concentrating your mind on your Definite Chief Aim in life, you must also cover many closely related subjects that blend into each other and complete the main subject on which you are concentrating. Ambition and desire are the major factors that enter into the act of successful Con...


CONCENTRATION IS MY MOTTO FIRST HONESTY, THEN INDUSTRY,  THEN CONCENTRATION.  -Andrew Carnegie Concentration is the act of focusing the mind on a given desire until ways and means for its realization have been worked out and successfully put into operation. Two important laws enter into the act of concentrating the mind on a given desire. One is the law of autosuggestion and the other is the law of habit. Habit grows out of environment-the sum total of all sources by which you are influenced through the aid of the five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling-and out of doing the same thing in the same way over and over again, out of repetition, out of thinking the same thoughts over and over. Except on rare occasions when it rises above environment, the human mind draws from its surroundings the material out of which thought is created. Habit crystallizes this thought into a permanent fixture, storing it away in the subconscious mind...

Summary of the principles of Accurate Thinking

The subconscious mind does not question the source from which it receives orders, nor the soundness of those orders, but it will proceed to direct the body to carry out any order it receives. WHAT IS A DEMANDING PLEASURE? A PLEASURE THAT DEMANDS THE USE OF ONE'S MIND; NOT IN THE SENSE OF PROBLEM SOLVING, BUT IN THE SENSE OF EXERCISING DISCRIMINATION, JUDGMENT, AWARENESS. -Nathaniel Branden Every movement of the human body is controlled by either the conscious or the subconscious section of the mind, and that not a muscle can be moved until an order to do so has been sent out by one or the other of these two sections of the mind. Any idea or thought that we create and hold in the conscious mind until the subconscious mind has time to take over that thought and begin the work of transforming it into its material counterpart. The Value of Adopting a Chief Aim  First create the objective toward which you are striving, through the imaginative faculty of your mind, the...

Accurate Thinking Part 4

Infinite Intelligence, may be likened to the one who develops the sensitized plate after a picture has been recorded on it, this bringing the picture into physical reality. The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs.. One step at a time -Joe Girard Bear in mind that you do not sit down and wait, nor do you go to bed and sleep, with the expectation of awaking to find that infinite intelligence has showered you with the object of your definite chief aim. You must work to make it happen, with full faith and confidence that natural ways and means for the attainment of the object of your definite purpose will open to you at the proper time and in a suitable manner. The way may not open suddenly, from the first step to the last. Often it opens only one step at a time. Therefore, when you are conscious of an opportunity to take the first step, take it without hesitation. And do the same when the second, and the third, and all subsequent steps essential f...

Accurate Thinking Part 3

Consider your own circle of acquaintances and find someone who appears to accomplish more with less effort than do any of their associates. Study this person and you observe that he or she is a strategist, in that they have learned how to arrange facts so as to bring to their aid the law of increasing returns. The person who knows they are working with facts goes about their task with a felling of self-confidence that enables them to refrain from procrastinating, hesitating, or waiting to make sure of their ground. They know in advance what the outcome of their efforts will be. Therefore, they move more rapidly and accomplish more than does the person who must "feel their way" because they are not sure they are working with facts. The person who has learned of the advantages of searching for facts as the foundation of their thinking has gone a very long way toward the development of accurate thinking. But the person who has learned to separate facts into the important and...

Accurate Thinking Part 2

It would be a mistake to believe that what you hear, see, or read is fact. It only means that today bias is less obvious and we must be even more astute when searching for the facts necessary for accurate thinking. Most of people say they.. get their news from television. That means they're inadequately informed, too poorly informed to exercise their rights in a democracy. You cannot give people enough information on the nightly news. -Walter Cronkite In the realm of legal procedure there is a principle called the law of evidence, and the object of this law is to get all the facts. Any judge can proceed  with justice to all concerned if they have the facts upon which to base their judgement, but they may play havoc with innocent people if they circumvent the law of evidence and reach a conclusion or judgement that is based on hearsay information. The specific rules of evidence vary according to the subject and circumstances with which they are used, but you will not go far w...

Accurate Thinking

Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought. -Henry David Thoreau To most people the word success and the word money are synonymous they want success that is spelled $ucce$$. Deductive reasoning Accurate thinking involves tow fundamentals. First, in order for you to think accurately you must separate facts from mere information. There is much "information" available to you that is not base of facts. Second, you must separate facts into two classes. The important and the unimportant, or the relevant and the irrelevant. All the facts that you can use in the attainment of your definite chief aim are important and relevant, all that you cannot use are unimportant and irrelevant. It is mainly the neglect of some to make this distinction that so widely separates those people who appear to have equal ability and those who have had equal opportunity. Study the type of person who is guided entirely by what t...