1. Form the habit of each day doing the most distasteful tasks first. This procedure will be difficult in the beginning, but after you have formed the habit you will take pride in first dealing with the hardest and most undesirable part of your work. 2. Place this sign in front of you where you can see it daily while you work, and put a copy where you can see it before you go to sleep and when you arise: "Do not tell them what you can do-show them!" 3. Repeat the following words, aloud, twelve times each night just before you go to sleep: "Tomorrow I will do everything that should be done, when it should be done, and as it should be done. I will perform the most difficult tasks first because this will destroy the habit of procrastination and develop the habit of action in its place." 4. Carry out these instructions with faith in their soundness and with belief that they will develop action, in body and in mind, sufficient to enable you to realize your Definite...