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We need to write down your chief aim part 2

Those who join with you in the formation of a friendly alliance for the purpose of aiding you in the creation of a master mind should sign, with you, your statement of the object of your definite chief aim. Every member of your alliance must be fully acquainted with the nature of your objective in forming the alliance moreover, every member must be in hearty accord with this objective in full sympathy with you.

Each member of your alliance must be supplied with a written copy of your statement of your definite chief aim.

With this exception, however, you are explicitly instructed to keep the object of your chief aim to yourself.

The world is full of "Doubting Thomas" and it will do you no good to have these rattle brained people scoffing at you and your ambitions. Remember, what you need is friendly encouragement and help, not derision and doubt.

If those who have been invited to join your friendly alliance believe in prayer,ask them to also include the object of this alliance as a part of their daily prayer.

We come now one of the most essential rules that you must follow. Arrange with one or all of the members of your friendly alliance to tell you, in the most positive and definite terms at their command that they know you can and will realize the object of your definite chief aim. This affirmation or statement should be made to you at least once a day. more often if possible.

These steps must be followed persistently with full faith that they will lead you where you wish to go! It will not suffice to carry out of these plans for a few days or a few weeks and then discontinue them. You must follow the described procedure until you attain the object of your definite chief aim, regardless of the time required.

From time to time it may become necessary to change the plans that you have adopted for the achievement of your definite chief aim. Make these changes without hesitation.

"No one has sufficient foresight to build plans that need no alteration or change."

If any member of your friendly alliance losses faith in the law known as the mastermind, immediately remove that member and replace him or her with some other person.

Andrew Carnegie said that he, too, had found it necessary to replace some of the members of his Master mind. In fact, he said that practically every member of whom his alliance was originally comprised had, in time, been removed and replaced with some other person who could adapt himself more loyally and enthusiastically to the spirit and objective of the alliance.

You cannot succeed when surrounded by disloyal and unfriendly associates, no matter what the object of your definite chief aim may be.

Success is built upon loyalty, faith, sincerity, cooperation, and the other positive forces essential to your environment.

Many of you will want to form friendly alliances with those with whom you are associated professionally or in business, with the object of achieving success in your business or profession.

The object of your definite chief aim may be one that will benefit you individually, or it may be one that will benefit the business or profession with which you are connected. The law of the master mind will work the same in either case. If your fail, either temporarily or permanently, in the application of this law, it will because some member of your alliance did not enter into the alliance with faith, loyalty, and sincerity of purpose.

"Yes, He succeeded but he almost failed!"
So did Robert Fulton and Abraham Lincoln and nearly all others whom we call successful. No man has ever achieved worthwhile success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.

The object of your definite chief aim should become your hobby.
You should ride this hobby continuously you should sleep with it, eat with it, play with it, work with it, live with it, and think with it.

Whatever you want you may get-if you want it with sufficient intensity, and keep on wanting it, providing the object wanted is one within reason, and you actually believe you will get it!

There is a difference, between merely wishing for something and actually believing you will get it. A lack of understanding of this difference has meant failure to millions of people.

Those who believe that they can achieve the object of their definite chief aim do not recognize the word impossible. Neither do they acknowledge a temporary defeat. They know they are going to succeed, and if one plan fails they quickly replace it with another plan.

If there is one word that should stand out in your mind, it is the word persistence.

Everything has a price. There is no such possibility as "something for nothing."

Nature cannot be tricked or nor cheated. She will give up to you the object of your struggles only after you have paid her price, which is continuous, unyielding, persistent effort!

Neglecting broaden their view has kept some people doing one thing all their lives.


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