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Eliminate Procrastination

First you must master the habit of procrastination and eliminate it from your makeup.

1. Doing some one definite thing each day, something that ought to be done, without anyone telling me to do it.
2. Looking around until I find at least one thing that I can do each day that I have not been in the habit of doing, and that will be of value to others, without expectation of pay.
3. Telling at least one other person, each day, of the value of practicing this habit of doing something that ought to be done without being told to do it.

I can see that the muscles of the body became strong in proportion to the extent to which they are used. Therefore I understand that the habit of Initiative also becomes fixed in proportion to the extent that it is practiced.

I realize the place to begin developing the habit of Initiative is int the small, commonplace things connected with my daily work. Therefore I will go at my work each day as if I were doing it solely for the purpose of developing this necessary habit of Initiative.

I understand that by practicing this habit of taking the initiative in connection with my daily work I will be not only developing that habit, but I will also be attracting the attention of those who will place greater value on my service a result of this practice.

Those who work for money alone, and who receive as their pay nothing but money, are always underpaid, no matter how much they receive. Money is of course necessary, but the big prizes of life cannot be measured in dollars and cents.

Every normal person loves to create something that is better than the average. The joy of creating a work of art is a joy that cannot be replaced by money or any other form of material possession.

Remember that your only limitation is the one you set up in your mind.

The great obstacles of life? was asked of a highly successful man. "The other obstacles," he replied.

Hours of labor do not drag on the hands of those who are happy at their work.

Inspire others

The only way to get happiness is by giving it away, to others. The same applies to the development of Initiative. It is a well-known fact the one learns best that which they en-devour to teach others.
If a person embraces a certain fact, the first thing that person does is to go out and try to "Sell" it to others. And in exact proportion to the extent to which one impresses others does he or she impress themselves.

In the field of salesmanship it is well known that no sales-person is successful in selling others until they have first done a good job of selling themselves. Stated conversely, no salesperson can do their best to sell others without sooner or later selling them self that which they are trying to sell to others.

Any statement that a person repeats over and over again for the purpose of inducing other to believe it, that person will also come to believe, And this holds good whether the statement is false of true.

You can now see the advantage of making it your business to talk Initiative, think Initiative, eat Initiative, sleep Initiative, and practice Initiative. By so doing you become a person of Initiative and Leadership, for it is a well known fact that people will readily, willingly, and voluntarily follow someone who shows by their actions that he or she is a person of Initiative.

In the place where you work or the community in which you live you come in contact with other people. Make it your business how to interest every one of them who will listen to you. In the development of initiative. It will not be necessary for you to give your reasons for doing this, nor will it be necessary for you to announce the fact that you are doing it. Just go ahead and do it.

In your mind you will understand that you are doing it because this practice will help you and will at least do those whom you influence in the same practice no harm.


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