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Self Confidence

Amidst all  the mysteries by which we are surrounded, nothing is more certain than that we are in the presence of an infinite and eternal energy from which all things proceed. -Herbert Spencer

You can do it if you believe you can!

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self development.

Fear is the reason for poverty and failure and misery that takes on a thousand different forms.

The person who masters fear may continue on to successful achievement in practically any undertaking, despite all efforts to defeat them.

The development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of fear, which sits on a person's shoulder and whispers into their ear; "you can't do it - you are afraid to try - you are afraid of public opinion - you are afraid that you will fail - you are afraid you do not have the ability."

Six basic fears of mankind
-Fear of poverty
-Fear of old age
-Fear of criticism
-Fear of loss of love of someone
-fear of ill health
-Fear of death

Physical and social heredity

All that man is, both physically and mentally, he care by through two forms of heredity. One is known as physical heredity and the other is called social heredity.

The term social heredity should be understood to mean any and all sources through which a person acquires knowledge, such as schooling of religious and all other natures, reading, word of mouth conversations, storytelling, and all manner of thought inspiration coming from his or her personal experiences.

Through the operation of the law of social heredity, anyone having control of the mind of a child may, through intense teaching, plant that child's mind any idea, whether false of true, in such a manner that the child accepts it as true and it becomes as much a part of the child's personality as any cell or organ of its physical body.

"Indecision is the seedling of fear" "Indecision crystallizes into doubt and the two became fear."

Remember that when you make a appointment with another person you assume the responsibility of punctuality and that you have no right to be a single minute late.


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