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The Six Basic Fears

The Fear of poverty

A person is considered less than the dust of the earth unless they can display a fat bank account. Nothing brings us so much suffering and humiliation as does poverty. No wonder we fear poverty.

"Society" could properly be spelled "$ociety," because it is inseparably associated with the dollar sign. So eager are we to possess wealth that we will acquire it in whatever manner we can; through legal methods if possible, through other methods if necessary.

The fear of poverty is a terrible thing!
A man may commit murder, engage in robbery, rape and all other manner of violation of the rights of others and still regain a high station in minds of people of his society, providing always that he does not lose his wealth.

Poverty, is a crime an unforgivable sin, as it were. No wonder we fear it.

Every code of laws ever written provides indisputable evidence of humanity's nature to prey upon its weaker members economically.

Six symptoms of fear of poverty
1.Indifference (Lack of ambition, Laziness and so forth)
3.Doubt (Expressed through alibis and excuses)
4.Worrying (Expressed through fault finding)
5.Overcaution (Shown in general negativity)

Obviously no one would ever fear poverty if we had any grounds for trusting our fellow men, for there is food and shelter and raiment  and luxury of every nature sufficient for the needs of every person on earth, and all these blessings would be enjoyed by every person except for the swinish habit that humans have of trying to push all the other swine out of the trough, even after everyone has all and more than needed.

The fear of old age

This fear grows mainly out of two sources First, the thought that old age may bring with it poverty. Second, human beings have learned to fear old age because it meant the approach of another, and a possibly much more horrible, world than this one which is known to be bad enough.

In the basic fear of old age, humans have two very sound reasons for their apprehension the one growing out of distrust of those who may seize whatever worldly goods we possess, and the other arising form the terrible picture of the world to come which were deeply planted in our minds, through the law of social heredity, long before any of us came into possession of that minds.

The fear of criticism

The makers of all manner of clothing have not been slow to capitalize on this basic fear of criticism with which all humankind is cursed. Every season, it will be observed, the styles in many article of apparel change. Who establishes the styles? Certainly not the purchasers, but the manufacturers of the clothes. Why do they change styles so often? Obviously to sell more clothes. The manufacturers of clothing know how the human animal fears to wear a garment that is one season out of step with what "They" are all wearing now.

Is this not true? Does your own experience not back it up? Powerful and mighty is the fear of criticism.

In every soul there has been deposited the seed of a great future, but that seed will never germinate, much less grow to maturity, except through the rendering of useful service.

The fear of criticism robs man of his initiative, destroys his power of imagination, limits his individuality, takes away his self reliance, and does him damage in a hundred other ways. Parent often do their children irreparable injury by criticizing them.. It should be recognize as a crime (In reality it is a crime of the worst nature), for any parent build an inferiority complex in the mind of a child, through unnecessary criticism. Employers who understand human nature get the best there is in employees, not by criticism but by constructive suggestion."

The Fear of loss of love of someone

There can be a little doubt that jealousy and all other similar forms of more or less mild dementia praecox (Insanity) grew out of the fear we all inherited of the loss of love of someone.

Of all the sane fools I have studied, the jealous lover is the oddest and strangest. Fortunately, I have had personal experience of this form of insanity, and from that experience I learned that the fear of the loss of love of someone is one of the most painful, if not in fact the most painful, of all six basic fears. It seems reasonable to add that this fear plays more havoc with the human mind than do any of the other six basic fears of mankind, often leading to the more violent forms of permanent insanity.

The fear of Ill health

This fear has its origin, to considerable extent also, in the same sources from which the fears of poverty and old age are derived.

The fear of ill health is closely associated with both poverty and old age because it also leads toward the borderline of terrible worlds of which people know little, but about which there are many discomforting stories.

If a person gains a living form keeping in good health, it seems natural that he or she would use every possible means to persuade them of the need for care-giving services. Thus, in time, it might be that people would inherit a fear of ill health.

The fear of death

To many this is the worst of all the six basic fears, and the reason why it is regarded as such becomes obvious to even the casual student of psychology.

The terrible pangs of fear associated with death may be charged directly to religious fanaticism - the source that is more responsible for it than are all other sources combined.

So - called heathens are not as much afraid of death as are the civilized, especially that portion of the civilized population that has come under the influence of the theology.

The most effective tool with which to fight them is organized knowledge. Ignorance and fear are twins. But for ignorance, the basic fears would disappear from human thought. In every public library you can find remedy for these enemies.

"A person who is powerful fears nothing, even God. The powerful person loves God, but fears him never! Enduring powers never grows out of fear. Any power that is built upon fear is bound to crumble and disintegrate. Understand this great truth and you will never be so unfortunate as to try to raise yourself to power through the fears of other people who may owe you temporary allegiance."


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