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Showing posts from October, 2019


The lucky or successful person has learned a simple secret call up, capture, evoke the feeling of success. When you feel successful and self confident, you will act successfully -Maxwell Maltz Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put action into the task at hand. It is contagious, and vitally affects not only the enthusiast, but all with whom they come in contact as well. The greatest leaders are the one who know how to inspire Enthusiasm in their followers. How enthusiasm will affect you Mix enthusiasm with your work and it will not seem difficult or monotonous. Enthusiasm will so energize your entire body that you can get along with less than half the usual amount of sleep and at the same time it will enable you to perform two or three times as much work as you usually perform in a given period, without fatigue. Without enthusiasm you would resemble an electric battery without electricity. Enthusiasm is the vital force with which you recharge your...

Imagination part 5

To know is nothing at all, to imagine is everything. -Anatole France Financial Success is not difficult to achieve after one learns how to make use of creative imagination. The seed of the idea has been here sown. It is yours for the taking! someone with an inventive mind is going to make a fortune. The more simple and easily adapted to a need an idea is, the greater is its value, as no one is looking for ideas that are involved with great detail or are in any way complicated. Imagination and salesmanship Imagination is the most important factor of entering into the art of selling. The master salesperson is always the one who makes systematic use of imagination. The outstanding merchant relies upon imagination for the ideas that make their business excel. A sense of curiosity is nature's original school of education -Smiley Blanton Dream. Dream Big Dreams! others may deprive you of your material wealth and cheat you in a thousand ways. But no man can deprive you of t...

Imagination part 4

If the wind of fortunes happen to be temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose through  the use of your imagination. A kite rises against the wind not with it! If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self interest, you can have practically anything you go after. All of use are much alike in many ways. If you are a salesperson and would like to know what your customer is thinking, study yourself and imagine what you would be thinking if you were in your customers place. Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you. A changed person not only changed, but for the better. -Arthur Gordon The detective's biggest asset is Imagination. The first question he asks is: What was the motive? if he can find out the motive he can usually find the perpetrator of the crime. If you ...

Imagination Part 3

If you feel that your imagination is inadequate, you should form an alliance with someone whose Imagination is sufficiently developed to supply your deficiency. It is no disgrace to serve in the capacity of employee. To the contrary, it often proves to be the most profitable side of an alliance since not all of us are fitted to assume the responsibility of directing others. Look at the world in a way that no one else had before, and they translated their visions into work. Imagination is always reshaping the world as people connect seemingly disparate things. And once the connection is made, it may seem obvious, but making these supposedly obvious connections has brought success to many people. You must learn to focus your imagination, and then act on the right ideas that you develop. This is not an overnight process. In most people, imagination is handicapped by two things. First, it is not usefully focused. It flits from object to object, driven by circumstances. In such s...

Imagination Part 2

At the age of forty, the age at which the average man or woman begins to think they are too old to start anything anything new. What a mighty power is imagination, the workshop of the soul, which thoughts are woven into railroads and skyscrapers and mills and factories and all manner of material wealth. Love brings love and hate brings hate. If  you imagination is the mirror of your soul, then you have a perfect right to stand before that mirror and see yourself as you wish to be. You have the right to see, reflected in that magic mirror, the mansion you intend to own, the factory you intend to manage. Your imagination belongs to you. Use it! The more you use it the more efficiently it will serve you. Imagination does the impossible You will often find yourself in situation where you face a problem that offers no obvious solution. Imagination helps you look at a situation in a novel way and make connection that you've not seen before. These exercises may not present you ...


I call that man idle who might be better employed. -Socrates Imagination is the workshop of the human mind, wherein old ideas and established facts may be reassembles into new combinations and put to new uses. Imagination can be developed The imagination is both interpretative and creative in nature. It can examine facts, concept, and ideas, and it can create new combinations and plan out of these. Imagination is too often regarded as nothing more than fanciful dreams, but t is a tremendous practical, exciting tool. Others may deprive you of your wealth and cheat you in a thousand ways, but no one can deprive you of the control and use of your imagination. Others may deal with your unfairly, but they cannot take from you the privilege of using your imagination as you wish. The man who slanders his fellowman unwittingly uncovers the real nature of his inner self. The power of imagination The major problems with this world today lies in our lack of understanding of the pow...

Must read!

Destiny is not a matter of chance it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be achieved. -William Jennings Bryan It is not your duty to be tolerant, it is your privilege! When you feel yourself preparing to lock horns with someone, remember that it will be more profitable if you lock hands instead! A handshake leaves no bones bleaching in the sun. Cultivate love for your fellow human and you will no longer want to lock horns with them in futile combat love makes each of us our brothers keeper. Leaders of the future must possess these quality. 1.Complete mastery over six basic fears. 2.Willingness to subordinate personal interest for the good of their followers. Complete mastery over avarice and greed. 3.Singleness of purpose, represented by a definite program of leader-ship which harmonizes with the needs of the times. 4.Understanding and application of the Master Mind Principle, by which power may be achieved through coordination of e...

Realization of the day

I If you stop trying you can never correct the mistakes that you've done.

The reason why you are defeated

Is because you do not have the power to reach a decision! All your life you have been forming the habit of dodging the responsibility of reaching decisions. Until you have come how to where it is well-nigh impossible for you to do so. Nobody is ever down and out until he is under the sod you may be temporarily down, but you can get up again. Mastery of seventeen laws of success is the equivalent of an insurance policy against failure. -Samuel Gompers Time the mighty hand that rocks the eternal cradle of progress and nurses struggling humanity through that period when man needs protection against his own ignorance. It is an important part of the leader's responsibility to induce people to subordinate their own ideas and interests for the good of the whole, and this applies to matters of a civic, business, social, political, financial, or industrial nature. Success, no matter what may be one's concept of that term, is nearly always a question of one's ability to ...

The character of a great leader part 3

The man who always takes and never gives is not a leader. He is a parasite. When you exact respect from soldiers, be sure you treat them with equal respect. Build up their manhood and self respect. Don't try to pull it down. For an officer to be overbearing and insulting in the treatment of enlisted men is the act of a coward. He ties the man to a tree with the ropes of discipline and then strike him in the face knowing full well that the man cannot strike back. Consideration, courtesy, and respect from officers toward enlisted men are not incompatible with discipline. They are parts of our discipline. Without initiative and decision, no man can expect to lead. Genius is merely the capacity for taking infinite pains. The man who was ready is the man who has prepared himself. He has studied beforehand the possible situations that might arise, he has made tentative plans covering such situations. When he is confronted by the emergency he is ready to meet it. He must have th...

The character of a great leader part 2

If at such times you "Fly off the handle," you have no business to be in charge of men. For men in anger say and do things that they almost invariably regret afterward. An officer should never apologize to his men also, an officer should never be guilty of an act for which his sense of justice tells him he should apologize. Another element in gaining moral ascendancy lies in the possession of enough physical vitality and endurance to with-stand the hardships to which you and your me are subjected, and a dauntless spirit that enables you not only accept them cheerfully but to minimize their gratitude. Make light of your troubles, belittle your trials, and you will help vitally to build up within your organization an esprit whose value in time of stress cannot be measured. Moral force is the third element in gaining moral ascendancy. To exert moral force you must live clean, you must have sufficient brainpower to see the right and the will to do right. Be an example t...

The character of a great leader

Begin now, not tomorrow, not next week. But today to seize the moment and make this day count. Remember, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. -Ellen Kreidman Great results are not achieved by cold, passive, unresponsive soldiers. They don't go very far and they stop as soon as they can. Leadership not only demands but receives the willing, unhesitating, unfaltering obedience and loyalty of other men, and a devotion that will cause them, when the time comes, to follow their uncrowned king to hell and back again, if necessary. You will ask yourselves; "Of what does leadership consist? What must I do to become a leader? What are the attributes of leadership, and how can I cultivate them?" Self confidence, moral ascendancy, self sacrifice, paternalism, fairness, initiative, decision, dignity, courage. Self-confidence results, first, from exact knowledge, second, the ability to impart that knowledge; and third, the feeling of superiority over others that nat...

Leadership and Teamwork

If you wish to try an experiment that will prove both interesting and profitable, pick out any acquaintance whom you know to be a person who never does anything that he or she is not expected to do, and begin selling them your idea of Initiative. Do not stop by merely discussing the object once, keep it up every time you have a convenient opportunity. Approach the subject from a different angle each time. You cannot talk initiative to others without developing to practice it yourself. "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword." properly interpreted, this simply means that we are constantly attracting to ourselves and weaving into our own characters and personalities those qualities that our influence is helping to create in others. If we help others develop the habit of Initiative, we, in turn, develop this same habit. If we sow the seeds of hatred and envy and discouragement in others, we, in turn, develop these qualities in ourselves. Leadership and Teamwork ...

Eliminate Procrastination

First you must master the habit of procrastination and eliminate it from your makeup. 1. Doing some one definite thing each day, something that ought to be done, without anyone telling me to do it. 2. Looking around until I find at least one thing that I can do each day that I have not been in the habit of doing, and that will be of value to others, without expectation of pay. 3. Telling at least one other person, each day, of the value of practicing this habit of doing something that ought to be done without being told to do it. I can see that the muscles of the body became strong in proportion to the extent to which they are used. Therefore I understand that the habit of Initiative also becomes fixed in proportion to the extent that it is practiced. I realize the place to begin developing the habit of Initiative is int the small, commonplace things connected with my daily work. Therefore I will go at my work each day as if I were doing it solely for the purpose of developing ...

The principles of Personal Power

Initiative and leadership Everything passes at par, temporarily truth alone remains permanently. The power of initiative The reason why Initiative and Leadership are associated terms in this lesson is that leadership is essential for the attainment of success, and initiative is the very foundation upon which this necessary quality of leadership is built. Initiative is as essential to success as a hub is essential to a wheel. Initiative is that exceedingly rare quality which impels a person to do what ought to be done without being told to do it. What is Initiative? It is doing the right thing without being told. But next to doing the right thing without being told is to do it when you are told once. Next, there are those who do the right thing only when necessity kicks them from behind, and these get indifference instead of honors, and a pittance for pay. This kinds spends most of the time polishing a bench with a hand luck story. Then, still lower down in the scale th...

Importance of saving money

There are opportunities on every corner but they exist only for those who have ready money, or who can command money because they have formed the habit of saving. Generally speaking, this is the attitude that the world takes toward all those who save money. It often happens that a small savings account of no more that two or three hundred dollars is sufficient to start one on the highway to financial independence. Love and justice are the real arbiters of all disputes. Give them a chance and you will no longer want to defeat a brother sojourner by the wayside of life. There may be times when you find that, even having saved money, it is difficult to persuade others to back you, simply because your vision is greater than theirs. It may seem a cruel fact, but it is a fact nonetheless, that if you have no money, and have not developed the habit of saving, you are out of luck as far as availing yourself of the opportunity to make money is concerned. It can do no harm to repeat ...
Fortunate is the person who has learned that the most certain way to get is to first give, through some sort of useful service. It is better to sacrifice during the age of youthfulness, than it is to be compelled to do so during the age of maturity as all who have not developed the habit of saving generally have to do. I am thankful that i was born poor that i did not come into this world burdened by the whims of wealthy parents, with a bag of gold around my neck. Forming the savings habit means that to some extent at least, you must seclude yourself from all except a well selected group of friends who enjoy you without elaborate entertaining on your part. To admit you lack the courage to trim down your expenditures so that you can save money, even if only a small amount, is the equivalent of admitting at the same time a lack of the sort of character that leads to success. It has been proved, times too numerous to mention, that people who have formed the habit of saving are a...

How much should you save?

The question of how much a person should save cannot be answered in a few words, for the amount each should save depends upon many conditions, some of which ma be within one;s control and some of which may not be. A salaried worker should apportion his or her income about as follows. Savings Account  20% Necessities             50% Education               10% Recreation             10% Life insurance        10%                                       100% The following, however , indicates the approximate distribution that the average person actually makes of their income. Savings Account   0% Necessities            60% Education               0% Recreation  ...

Master the fear of poverty

To whip fear of poverty one must take two definite steps if one is in debt. First , quit the habit of buying on credit, being free from the worry of indebtedness, you are ready to revamp the habits of your mind and redirect your course toward prosperity. The habit of saving a portion of your income. Very soon this habit will begin to take hold of your mind and you will actually get joy out of saving. The spending habit must be replaced by the saving habit by all who wish to attain financial independence. Merely to discontinue an undesirable habit is not enough, as such habits have a tendency to reappear unless the place they had occupied in the mind is filled by some other habit of a different nature. The discontinuance of a habit leaves a hole in the mind, and this hole must be filled with some other form of habit or the old one will return and claim its place. The person without money is at mercy of the person who has it regardless of the amount of ability one may possess, ...

Slavery of Debt

In ten of thousands of homes, the general topic of conversation is poverty and want, and that is what they are getting. The poverty consciousness is the result of the habit of thinking of and fearing poverty. "The thing I had feared has come upon me!" Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit. Poverty alone is sufficient to kill of ambition, destroy self confidence, and destroy hope, but add to it the burden of debt and all who are victims of these two cruel taskmasters are practically doomed to failure. No one can carry out a definite purpose in life with heavy debt hanging over his head. You are a human magnet and you are constantly attracting to you people which characters harmonize with your own. No sacrifice is too great to avoid the misery of debt! Two types of Debts -Debts incurred for luxuries that become a dead loss -Debts incurred in the course of professional or business trading which represent service or merchandise that can be ...

Limitation built through habit

Millions of people go through life in poverty and want because they have made destructive use of the law of  habit. Not understanding either the law of habit or the law of attraction through which "Like attracts Like." those who remain in poverty, seldom realize that they are where they are as the results of their own acts. Fix in your mind the thought that your ability is limited to a given earning capacity and you will never earn more than that the law of habit will, set up a definite limitation of the amount you can earn. Your subconscious mind will accept this limitation, and very soon you will feel yourself "slipping" until finally you will become so hedged in by a fear of poverty that opportunity will no longer knock at your door, your doom will be sealed, your fate fixed. The formation of the habit of saving does not mean that you shall limit your earning capacity it means that just the opposite that you shall apply this law so that it not only conserve...

The Habit of saving

The only lasting favor which the parent may confer upon the child is that of helping the child to help itself. The saving of money is solely a matter of habit. It is literally true that an individual through the law of habit, shapes their own personality. Through repetition, any act indulged in a few times becomes a habit, and the mind appears to be nothing more than a mass of motivating forces growing out of our daily habits. When once fixed in the mind, a habit voluntarily impels one to action. For example, follow a given route to your daily work, or go to some other place that you frequently visit, and very soon the habit has been formed and your mind will lead you over that routine without thought on your mind. Moreover, if you start out with the intention of travelling another direction, without keeping the thought of the change in routes constantly in mind, you will find yourself following the old route.

Always seeking but never finding

This might be describe the human struggle for happiness and contentment. Life is an everlasting question mark. That which we want most is always in the embryonic distance of the future. Our power to acquire is always a decade or so behind an power to desire. And if we catch up with the thing we want,we no longer want it! People cease to interest us when we find their limitations. The only sin is limitation. As soon as you once come up with a man's limitations, it is all over with him. How beautiful the mountain yonder in distance. But the moment we draw near it we find it to be nothing but a wrenched collection of rocks and dirt and trees. Out of the truth grew oft repeated adage "Familiarity breeds contempt." Beauty and happiness and contentment are states of mind. They can never be enjoyed except through vision of the afar. Destroy the hope of unfinished dreams in a person's heart and he or she is finished. The moment we cease to cherish the vision of...

Others will believe in you only when you believe in yourself

They will tune on your thought and feel toward you just as you feel toward yourself. You are continuously broadcasting what you think of yourself and if you have no faith in yourself, others will pick up the vibrations of your thoughts and mistake them for their own. Once you understand the law of mental telepathy, you will now why self-confidence is the third of the seventeen laws of success. You should be cautioned, however, to learn the difference between self-confidence which is based on sound knowledge of what you know and what you can do, and egotism, which is based only on what you wish you knew or could do. Learn the difference between these two terms or you will make yourself boring, ridiculous, and annoying to people of culture and understanding. Self Confidence is something that should never be proclaimed or announced except through intelligent performance of constructive deeds. If you have self confidence, those around you will discover this fact. Let them make the di...

Where thought prevails, power may be found!

If you think you are beaten, you are; if you think you dare not you don't; If you like to win, but you think you can't, it is almost certain you won't, If you think you'll lose, you've lost, for out of the world we find success begins with a fellow's will it's all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are - you've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win a prize. Life's battle don't always go to the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. No one knows what hidden forces lie dormant within you. You, yourself, do not know your capacity for achievement, and you never will know until you come in contact with the particular stimulus that arouses you to greater action and extends your vision, develops your self confidence, and moves you with a deeper desire to achieve. The most important turning points of life often comes at the ...

Self Confidence Formula

1. I know that i have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose, therefore I demand of myself persistent, aggressive, and continuous action toward its attainment. 2. I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, bodily action and then gradually transform themselves into physical reality. Therefore I will concentrate my mind for 30 minutes daily on the task of thinking of the person I intend to be, be creating a mental picture of this person and then transforming that picture into reality through my actions. 3. I know that through the principle of auto suggestion, any desire I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of realizing it. Therefore i shall devote 10 minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of the factors named in the 17 lessons of law of success. 4. I have clearly mapped out, and written down, a description of my definite purpose in life, for...

Fear in Middle age

This common form of fear drives us so hard that we overwork our bodies and bring on the very thing we are struggling to avoid. What a tragedy to watch men and women drive themselves when they begin to arrive at the forty year milepost of life the age at which they are just beginning to mature mentally. At forty we are just entering the age in which we are able to see and understand the handwriting of nature, as it appears in the forests and flowing brooks and faces of other adults and little children. Yet this devil fear drives us to the point that we become blinded and lost in the entanglement of a maze of conflicting desires. The principle of organized effort is lost sight of, and instead of taking hold of nature's forces that are evidence all around us and permitting those forces to carry us to the heights of great achievement, we defy them and they become forces of destruction. The power of self confidence Ignorance of this force is leading the majority of people to appl...

The law of social heredity

It is hardly sufficient to say that social heredity is the method through which humans gather all knowledge that reaches us through the five senses. It is more to the point to say how social heredity works, in as many different applications as will give you a comprehensive understanding of that law. you are fortunate if you have learned the difference between temporary defeat and failure, more fortunate still, if  you have learned the truth that the very seed of success is dormant in every defeat that you experience. It is well known fact that a fox will prey upon all manner of fowl and small animals, with the exception of skunk. No reason need to be stated as to why Mr. Skunk enjoys immunity. A fox may tackle a skunk once, but never twice! for this reason a skunk hide, when nailed to a chicken roost, will keep all but the very young and inexperienced foxes at a safe distance. The odor of a skunk, once experienced, is never to be forgotten. No other smell even remotely resem...

The Six Basic Fears

The Fear of poverty A person is considered less than the dust of the earth unless they can display a fat bank account. Nothing brings us so much suffering and humiliation as does poverty. No wonder we fear poverty. "Society" could properly be spelled "$ociety," because it is inseparably associated with the dollar sign. So eager are we to possess wealth that we will acquire it in whatever manner we can; through legal methods if possible, through other methods if necessary. The fear of poverty is a terrible thing! A man may commit murder, engage in robbery, rape and all other manner of violation of the rights of others and still regain a high station in minds of people of his society, providing always that he does not lose his wealth. Poverty, is a crime an unforgivable sin, as it were. No wonder we fear it. Every code of laws ever written provides indisputable evidence of humanity's nature to prey upon its weaker members economically. Six symptoms of ...

Self Confidence

Amidst all  the mysteries by which we are surrounded, nothing is more certain than that we are in the presence of an infinite and eternal energy from which all things proceed. -Herbert Spencer You can do it if you believe you can! Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self development. Fear is the reason for poverty and failure and misery that takes on a thousand different forms. The person who masters fear may continue on to successful achievement in practically any undertaking, despite all efforts to defeat them. The development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of fear, which sits on a person's shoulder and whispers into their ear; "you can't do it - you are afraid to try - you are afraid of public opinion - you are afraid that you will fail - you are afraid you do not have the ability." Six basic fears of mankind -Fear of poverty -Fear of old age -Fear of criticism -Fear of loss of love of someone -fear of ill health -Fear o...

We need to write down your chief aim part 2

Those who join with you in the formation of a friendly alliance for the purpose of aiding you in the creation of a master mind should sign, with you, your statement of the object of your definite chief aim. Every member of your alliance must be fully acquainted with the nature of your objective in forming the alliance moreover, every member must be in hearty accord with this objective in full sympathy with you. Each member of your alliance must be supplied with a written copy of your statement of your definite chief aim. With this exception, however, you are explicitly instructed to keep the object of your chief aim to yourself. The world is full of "Doubting Thomas" and it will do you no good to have these rattle brained people scoffing at you and your ambitions. Remember, what you need is friendly encouragement and help, not derision and doubt. If those who have been invited to join your friendly alliance believe in prayer,ask them to also include the object of this...