when Life Conditions equal your Blueprint, then there will be happiness.
when Life Conditions are not equal to your Blueprint, then there will be unhappiness.
We also know that when we experience unhappiness, we have two real choices: change our Life Conditions, or change our Blueprint. But sometimes that sense of unhappiness becomes so internalized that it feels like there’s nothing you can do to change anything. That’s when unhappiness reaches a peak and turns into suffering.
3. You think the problem is personal. “It’s something wrong with me. There’s a character defect in me. It’s just the way I am.” When you think it’s the way you are, you are not going to change it because you don’t think you can. It’s an identity issue.
No problem is permanent. No problem is pervasive. No problem is personal. It’s just a matter of shifting your Blueprint. A Blueprint can change. Everyone has had some beliefs years ago that they would have fought for, which in hindsight would be almost an embarrassment to admit today.
Blueprints change all the time, and you can accelerate that change and eliminate suffering by getting
clear about where your Blueprint is strong, where it’s the essence of who you are versus something
that you’ve practiced and adapted, where it’s meeting your needs and where it’s not. You can
make empowering choices, change the conditions or change your Blueprint—so you are no longer
controlled by something that you were previously unaware of.
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