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Managing Mental Energy

If we think destructive thoughts, we will be adding negatively charged energy to intensify the wound.

If it is possible to manage mental energy for destructive purposes, it must also be possible to manage it for constructive purposes. The key concepts here are willingness and purpose. The willingness is to consciously direct our thoughts toward a specific intent to change something on the inside that isn't useful.

Everyone instinctively knows that if we allow ourselves to think about something, the thoughts have the power to change the way things exist inside of us. And once things change on the inside, we know we will perceive and experience a different outside.

Change is the result of, first, a willingness to think.

Painful life cycles begin with and are perpetuated by painful memories.

Healing emotional wounds is something that we have to learn how to do by learning how to manage mental energy.

Before a capability becomes an ability, it has to be cultivated into a skill.

To create a more satisfying future for ourselves, we need to be able to imagine this future and project it out into the environment as some future moment.

The only real limitations that exist with respect to thought are those rules that were either taught to us or the ones we made up for ourselves.

To perceive other choices, other than the ones our beliefs, memories, and associations lock us into, we have to know something we haven't learned yet. So, learning our way out of a situation that is perpetually dissatisfying requires that we be open to thinking beyond what we already know.

Creativity is synonymous with growth and change.To use our imaginations creatively, we must to be willing to think outside of what we already know to be true or possible.

"Necessity is the mother of invention!" The need will act as a force behind our thoughts to think beyond our current barriers so that we can expand. The barriers that act as a resisting force preventing us from expanding consist of many of our beliefs and all our painful memories. So we need a force to counteract and penetrate those barriers. That force is our thoughts and our willingness to use them in creative ways.

Everything is evolving into something that it isn't yet.

Mistakes just point the way to something that we haven't learned yet and obviously need to know.

A mistake isn't resolved until we evolve in our understanding to the point where we can garner the insight that is available from the experience.

Mistakes are virtually synonymous with pain. We can find any number of ways to avoid acknowledging a mistake so we don't have to confront the pain, and in the process we cut ourselves off from what we need to know to grow, expand, and improve our lives.


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