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Don't Think

Ignore the pain for now. You're going to be uncomfortable, get used to it.

You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. What's stopping you?

To be the best, whether in sports or business or an other aspect of life, it's never enough to just get to the top; you have to stay there, and then you have to climb higher, because there's always someone right behind me you trying to catch up.

Most people are willing to settle for "good enough." But if you want to be unstoppable, those words mean nothing to you. Being the best means engineering your life so you never stop until you get what you want, and then keep going until you get what's next. And then you go for even more.

Wanting something won't get you anywhere. Trying to be someone you're not wont get you anywhere. Wanting for someone or something to light your fire won't get you anywhere.

So how are you going to get there?
Everything you need to be great is already inside you, All your ambitions and secrets, your darkest dreams.. They're waiting for you to just let go. What's stopping you?

Most people give up because everyone has told them what they can't do, and it's easier to stay safe in the comfort zone. So they sit on the fence, unable to decide, unable to act.

If you don't make a choice, the choice will be made for you.

It's time to stop listening to what everyone else says about you, telling you what to do, how to act, how you should feel. Let them judge you by your results, and nothing else; it's none of their business how you get where you're going. If you're relentless, there is no halfway, no could or should or maybe.

Don't tell me the glass is half full or half empty; you either haves something in the glass or you don't

Decide. Commit. Act. Succeed. Repeat

Relentless is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best, and then getting even better. It’s about finding the gear that gets you to the next level . . . even when the next level doesn’t yet exist. It’s about facing your fears, getting rid of the poisons that guarantee you will fail. Being feared and respected for your mental strength and toughness, not just your physical abilities.

To become unstoppable place no limits on yourself.
You need to want more and get everything you crave.

Knowing that every time you stop, you can still do more. You must do more.

The minute your mind thinks, "Done," your instincts say, "Next."

If you want to be truly successful, you can't be content with "pretty good." You need to find an extra gear.

No matter how many people tell you it can't be done. It can be done.

Success is about dealing with reality, facing your demons and addictions, and not putting a smiley face on everything you do.

If you want to be unstoppable, you have to face who you really are and make it work for you, not against you.

Forget about trying, because if you're just trying. Then losing is still an option.

Without known solutions. We learned, we made mistakes, we learned from our mistakes. We kept learning.


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