If they knew that every form of defeat, and all failures, bring them the seed of unborn opportunity, they would keep on fighting and win. Success usually is but one short step beyond the point where on quits fighting.
Failure is a man made circumstance. It is never real until it has been accepted by man as permanent.
Failure is a state of mind; Therefore, it is something an individual can control until he neglects to exercise this privilege.
Failure brings a climax in which one has the privilege of clearing his mind of fear and making a new start in another direction. Failure proves conclusively that something is wrong with one's aims or the plans by which the object of these aims is sought. Failure is the dead end of the habit-path one has been following, and when it is reached it forces one to leave that path and take up another, Thereby creating a new rhythm.
It gives an individual an opportunity to test himself wherein he may learn how much will power he possesses. Failure also forces people to learn many truths they would never discover without it. Failure often leads an individual to an understanding of the power of self discipline without which no one could turn back after having once been the victim of hypnotic rhythm.
The permanent thing in the universes is change. Eternal, inexorable change through which every atom of matter and every unit of energy has the opportunity to properly relate itself to all other units of matter and energy, and every human being has the opportunity and the privilege of properly relating himself to all other human beings no matter how many mistakes he makes, or how many times of in what ways he may be defeated.
No one can change the law of hypnothic rhythm anymore than one can change the law of gravity, but everyone can change himself.
Have you ever tried to change someone else and only been frustrated when you realized you were not in control and therefore not succeeding?
The proper relationship is one that brings to all connected with it, or affected by it, some form of benefit.
Improper relationship - Any relationship between people which damages anyone or bring any form of misery or unhappiness to any of the individuals.
Improper relationships can be corrected by change of mind of the person causing improper relationsip, or by changing the persons to the relationship.
Adversity relives people of vanity and egotism. It discourages selfishness by proving that no one can succeed without cooperation of others.
Adversity forces an individual to test his mental, physical, and spiritual strength; it thus brings him face to face with his weaknesses and gives him the opportunity to bridge them.
Adversity forces one to seek ways and means to definite ends by meditation and introspective thought. This often leads to the discovery and use of the sixth sense through which one may communicate with infinite intelligence.
Adversity forces one to recognize the need for intelligence not available except from the sources outside of one's own mind.
Adversity breaks old habits of thought and gives one an opportunity to form new habits; therefore, it may serve to break hold of hypnothic rhythm and change its operation from negative to positive ends.
Failure is a blessing when it forces one to depend less upon material foces and more upon spiritual forces.
When a man can no longer use his hands and his feet, he usually begins to use his brain, thus he puts himself in the way of discovering the power of his own mind.
The loss of material things may teach many needed lessons, none greater, however, than the truth that man has control over nothing and has no assurance of the permanent use of anything except his own power of thought.
Life gives no one immunity against adversity, but life gives to everyone the power of positive thought, which is sufficient to master all circumstances of adversity and convert them into benefits.
The non drifter meets with temporary defeat and failure, but his reaction to all forms of adversity is positive. He fights instead of giving up, and usually wins.
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