All children should be taught how to sell their way through life with the minimum amount of friction.
Every public school should teach the principles of individual achievement through which one may attain a position of financial independence.
Sin is anything one does or thinks which causes one to be unhappy! Human beings who are in sound physical and spiritual health should be at peace with themselves and always happy. Any form of mental or physical misery indicates the presence of sin.
It is a sin to overeat because that leads to ill health and misery.
It is a sin to over indulge in sex because that breaks down one's will power and leads to the habit of drifting.
It is a sin to permit one's mind to be dominated by negative thoughts of envy, greed, fear, hatred, intolerance, vanity, self pity, or discouragement, because these states of mind lead to the habit of drifting.
It is a sin to cheat, lie, and steal, because these habits destroy self - respect, subdue one's conscience, and lead to unhappiness.
It is a sin to remain in ignorance because that leads to poverty and loss of self reliance.
It is a sin to accept from life anything one does not want because that indicates an unpardonable neglect to use the mind.
It is a sin for one to drift through life, without definite aim, plan, or purpose because this habit leads to poverty and destroys the privilege of self determination. It also deprives one of the privilege of using his own mind as a medium of contact with infinite intelligence.
What is the commonest and most destructive of all sins?
Fear and Ignorance
What is faith?
It is a state of mind wherein one recognizes and uses the power of positive thought as a medium by which one contracts and draws upon the universal store of infinite intelligence at will. In other words, faith is the absence of all forms of negative thought.
Everyone has the potential power to clear his mind of all negative thoughts and thereby avail himself of the power of faith.
Faith is definiteness of purpose backed by belief in the attainment of the object of that purpose.
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