Any human being who can be definite in his aims and plans can make life hand over whatever is wanted.
One takes advantage of the principle of definiteness just as one may build a strong physical body through constant, systematic use.
Anyone who adopts definiteness of purpose as a policy and uses it in all of his daily experiences cannot be induced to form the habit of drifting.
Says the devil: "Once any peson hesitates, procrastinates, or becomes indefinite about anything, he is just one step removed from my control."
"All habits, save only that the love of definiteness of purpose, may lead to the habit of drifting."
Love is a state of mind which beclouds reason, saps will power, and blinds one to facts and truth.
Everyone who becomes self-determining and gains spiritual freedom to think in his own thoughts must examine carefully every emotion that seems even remotely related to love.
Both love and fear are emotional forces of such stupendous potency that either may completely set aside the power of the will and the power of reason. Without will and reason there is nothing left to support definiteness of purpose.
People who gain and maintain the power must become definite in all their thoughts and all their deeds. If that is what you call hard, then they must be hard.
Weak plan have a way of becoming strong if definitely applied.
People who are definite in both their plans and their purposes never accept temporary defeat as being more than an urge to greater effort.
The best of plans sometimes misfire, but the person who moves with definiteness recognizes the difference between temporary defeat and failure. When plan fails he substitutes others but he does not change his purpose. He perseveres. Eventually he finds a plan that succeeds
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