The most important part of one's environment is that created by his association with others. All people absorb and take over, either consciously or unconsciously, the thought habits of those whom they associate closely.
One's intimate associates should be chosen with as much care as one chooses the food with which he feeds his body, with the object always of associating with people whose dominating thoughts are positive, friendly, and harmonious.
The material on which thoughts are fed come from one's environment. Thought habits are made permanent by hypnotic rhythm.
Be careful of all forces which inspire thought, those are the forces which constitute environment and determine the nature or one's earthly destiny.
Drifting is nothing but a negative state of mind, a state of mind conspicuous by its emptiness of purpose.
Outstanding achievement is impossible without the friendly cooperation of others. Stating the truth in another way, successful people must control their environment, thereby insuring themselves against the influence of a negative environment.
Every human being is duty bound to himself to remove from his environment every influence which even remotely tends to develop negative thought habits.
Only the strong survive. No one can be strong without removing himself from all influences which develop negative thought habits. Negative thought habits results in the loss of the privilege of self determination, no matter what or who may cause those habits. Positive thought habits may be controlled by the individual and made to serve his aims and purposes. Negative thought habits control the individual and deprive him of the privilege of self determination.
Thought habits are established by the repetition of the same thoughts.
Ten common motives, those which inspire most of one's thought action, are these:
-The desire for sex expression & love
-The desire for physical food
-The desire for spiritual, mental, and physical self - expression
-The desire for perpetuation of life after death
-The desire for power over others
-The desire for material wealth
-The desire for knowledge
-The desire to imitate others
-The desire to excel others
-The seven basic fears
All negative desires are nothing but frustrations of positive desires. They are inspired by some form of defeat, failure, or neglect by human beings to adapt themselves to nature's laws in a positive way.
Nature will not tolerate idleness or vacuums of any sort. All space must be and is filled with something. When the individual does not use the brain for the expression of positive, negative thoughts, nature fills the vacuum by forcing the brain to act upon negative thoughts.
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