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Showing posts from February, 2021


 Throughout nature one may find evidences that all natural law moves in an orderly manner, through the law of harmony. Through the operation of this law nature forces everything within the range of a given environment to become harmoniously related. Understand this truth and you will catch a new and a more intriguing vision of the power of environment. You will understand why association with negative minds is fatal to those seeking self determination. What means of escape are available to people who find themselves in an environment of poverty and failure but desire to escape? They must change their environment or remain poverty stricken. Nature permits no one to escape the influences of his environment. However, nature, in her abundance of wisdom, has given to every normal human being the privilege of establishing his own mental, spiritual, and physical environment, but once he establishes it he must become a part of it. This is the inexorable working of the law of the harmony. I...
Wisdom is never thrust upon one. It is acquired, if at all, by positive thinking, through voluntary effort! It is never safe for anyone to have extensive knowledge without wisdom. The majority of people who acquire wisdom do so after they have passed the age of forty. Prior to that time the majority of people are too busy gathering knowledge and organizing it into plans to spend any effort seeking wisdom. Adversity and failure. These are nature's universal languages through which she imparts wisdom to those who are ready to receive it. Do adversity and failure always bring wisdom? No, only to those who are ready for wisdom and have voluntarily sought it. What determines one's readiness to receive wisdom? Time and the nature of one's thought-habits. One never can be sure of knowledge that has not been tested. What is dependable knowledge? It is knowledge which harmonizes with natural law, which means that it is based upon positive thought. Time modifies and alters all values...


Time is the law of hypnotic  rhythm. The lapse of time required to give permanency to thought habits depends upon the object and the nature of thoughts. Time divides all thought habits into two classes, negative thoughts and positive thoughts. One's individual thoughts are of course constantly changing and being recombined to suit the individual's desires, but thoughts do not change from negative to positive or vice versa except throught voluntary effort on the part of the individual. Time penalizes the individual for all negative thoughts and rewards him for all positive thoughts, according to the nature and purpose of the thoughts. If one's dominating thoughts are negative, time penalizes the individual by building in his mind the habit of negative thinking and then proceeds to solidify this habit into "permanency," of course, refers to the natural life of the individual. In the strict sense of the term, nothing is permanent. Time converts thought habits into wh...

Environment, Time, Harmony, and Caution

 The most important part of one's environment is that created by his association with others. All people absorb and take over, either consciously or unconsciously, the thought habits of those whom they associate closely. One's intimate associates should be chosen with as much care as one chooses the food with which he feeds his body, with the object always of associating with people whose dominating thoughts are positive, friendly, and harmonious. The material on which thoughts are fed come from one's environment. Thought habits are made permanent by hypnotic rhythm. Be careful of all forces which inspire thought, those are the forces which constitute environment and determine the nature or one's earthly destiny. Drifting is nothing but a negative state of mind, a state of mind conspicuous by its emptiness of purpose. Outstanding achievement is impossible without the friendly cooperation of others. Stating the truth in another way, successful people must control their e...

Learning from adversity

 If they knew that every form of defeat, and all failures, bring them the seed of unborn opportunity, they would keep on fighting and win. Success usually is but one short step beyond the point where on quits fighting. Failure is a man made circumstance. It is never real until it has been accepted by man as permanent. Failure is a state of mind; Therefore, it is something an individual can control until he neglects to exercise this privilege. Failure brings a climax in which one has the privilege of clearing his mind of fear and making a new start in another direction. Failure proves conclusively that something is wrong with one's aims or the plans by which the object of these aims is sought. Failure is the dead end of the habit-path one has been following, and when it is reached it forces one to leave that path and take up another, Thereby creating a new rhythm. It gives an individual an opportunity to test himself wherein he may learn how much will power he possesses. Failure als...
The habit of expressing loosely organized opinions is one of the most destructive of habits. Its destructiveness consists in its tendency to influence people to guess instead of searching for the facts when they form opinions, create ideas, or organize plans. The habit develops a grasshopper mind one that jumps from one thing to another but never completes anything. And of course, carelessness in the expression of opinions leads to the habit of drifting. From there it is only a step or two until one is bound by the law of hypnotic rhythm which automatically prohibits accurate thinking. The person who talks too much informs the world of his aims and plans and gives to others the opportunity to profit by his ideas. Wise men keep their plans to themselves and refrain from expressing uninvited opinions. This prevents others from appropriating their ideas and make it difficult for others to interfere with their plans. The desire for self expression is inborn in people. The motive behind the...
 All great leaders in every walk of life are highly sexed, but they follow the habit of controlling their sex desires, switching them into a driving force behind their occupation. The person who has self discipline understands the emotion of sex, respects it, and learns to control and transmute it into contructive activities. Q: Just what damage is there in over-indulgence of sex? A: The greatest damage is that it depletes the source of man's greatest driving force, and wastes, without adequate compensation, man's creative energy. Controlled sex supplies the magnetic force that attracts people to one another. It is the most important factor of a pleasing personality. It gives quality to the tone of voice and enables one to convey through the voice any feeling desired. It serves, as nothing else can serve, to give motive power to one's desires. It keeps the nervous system changed with the energy needed to carry on the work of maintaining the body. It sharpens the imagination...


One must gain mastery over self the person who is not master of himself can never be master of others. Lack of self-mastery is, of itself, the most destructive form of indefiniteness. By mastering the three appetites responsible for most of one's lack of self discipline. The three appetites are (1) The desire for food, (2) The desire for expression of sex, (3) The desire to express loosely organized opinions. When a man becomes master of these three appetites, he has developed enough self-discipline to conquer easily those of lesser importance. Self mastery contempates sufficient control over the appetites to enable one to feed them what they need and withhold food not needed. Take the desire for physical food, for example. The majority of people are so weak in self discipline they fill their stocmachs with combinations of rich food which please the taste but overwork the organs of digestion and elimination. They pour into their stomachs both quantity and combinations of food which...
 All children should be taught how to sell their way through life with the minimum amount of friction. Every public school should teach the principles of individual achievement through which one may attain a position of financial independence. Sin is anything one does or thinks which causes one to be unhappy! Human beings who are in sound physical and spiritual health should be at peace with themselves and always happy. Any form of mental or physical misery indicates the presence of sin. It is a sin to overeat because that leads to ill health and misery. It is a sin to over indulge in sex because that breaks down one's will power and leads to the habit of drifting. It is a sin to permit one's mind to be dominated by negative thoughts of envy, greed, fear, hatred, intolerance, vanity, self pity, or discouragement, because these states of mind lead to the habit of drifting. It is a sin to cheat, lie, and steal, because these habits destroy self - respect, subdue one's conscie...
 Ignorance and fear are the only enemies from which men need salvation. The major object of all schooling is to force the students to cram their memories with facts instead of teaching them how to organize and make practical use of facts. Reverse the present system by giving children the privelege of leading in their school work instead of following orthodox rules designed only to impart abstract knowledge. Let instructors serve as students and let the students serve as instructors. Ideas are the beginning of all human achievement. Teach all students how to recognize practical ideas that may be of benefit in helping them acquire whatever they demand of life. Teach students how to budget and use time, and above all teach the truth that time is the greatest asset available to human beings and the cheapest. Teach the student the basic motives by which all people are influenced and show how to use these motives in acquiring the necessities and luxuries of life. Teach children what to e...

Education and religion

 A life that is lived with fullness of peace of mind, contentment, and happiness always divests itself of everything it does not want. Says the devil: "Anyone who submits to annoyance by things he does not want is not definite. He is a drifter." Minds which do not harmonize should never be forced to remain together in marriage or any other relationship. Friction and all forms of discord between minds lead inevitably to the habit of drifting, and of course to indefiniteness. The first duty of every human being is to himself. Every person owes himself the duty of finding how to live a full and happy life. Beyond this, if one has time and energy not needed in the fulfillment of his own desires, one may assume responsibility for helping others. Unearned gifts of every nature may become a curse instead of a blessing. In our effort to give to our children, are we really cursing them? A very sobering thought, but also great advice, for parents. Says the devil: "The sort of pray...

Definiteness of purpose

 Any human being who can be definite in his aims and plans can make life hand over whatever is wanted. One takes advantage of the principle of definiteness just as one may build a strong physical body through constant, systematic use. Anyone who adopts definiteness of purpose as a policy and uses it in all of his daily experiences cannot be induced to form the habit of drifting. Says the devil: "Once any peson hesitates, procrastinates, or becomes indefinite about anything, he is just one step removed from my control." "All habits, save only that the love of definiteness of purpose, may lead to the habit of drifting." Love is a state of mind which beclouds reason, saps will power, and blinds one to facts and truth. Everyone who becomes self-determining and gains spiritual freedom to think in his own thoughts must examine carefully every emotion that seems even remotely related to love. Both love and fear are emotional forces of such stupendous potency that either ma...

Seeds of Fear

 The person who thinks in terms of power, success, opulence, sets up a rhythm which attract these desirable possessions. The person who thinks in terms of misery, failure, defeat, discouragement, and poverty attracts these undesirable influences. This explains why both success and failure are the result of habit. Habit establishes one's rhythm of thought and that rhythm attracts the object of one's dominating thoughts. All successful people use hypnotic rhythm, either consciously or unconsciously, by expecting and demanding success. The demand becomes a habit, hypnotic rhythm takes over the habit, and the law of harmonious attraction translates it into its physical equivalent.