We strongly agree that to be wealthy you need to think wealthy. It is also important to be in the right environment.
Will you be guided by faith? Or will you allow fear to overtake you?
A new world is revealed to me
You make an impression on everyone you meet, just as everyone you meet makes an impression on you. You never know when an acquantance may became a business associate. There is great power in your network.
"Your only limitation is the one which you set up in your own mind!"
I am not sure that I understand just what this "other self" is but I do know that there can be no permanent defeat for the man or the woman who discovers it and relies upon it.
The "other self" follows no precedents, recognizes no limitations, and always finds a way to accomplish desired ends! It may meet with temporary defeat, but not with permanent failure. I am sure of the soundness of this statements as I am of the fact of being engaged in writting these lines.
The "other self" may "meet with temporary defeat, but not with permanent failure. "How many times do we allow a temporary defeat to affect us as if it were a permanent failure instead of learning from it and moving on?"
"Failure": A blessing in disguise
While this concept may be difficult to acknowledge when you are in the midst of the storm, hindsight generally proves it true.
"Every great leader of the past, was beset by difficulties and met with temporary defeat before 'arriving'".
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