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Faith has a new meaning to me

"There is something infinitely worse than being forced to work. It is being forced not to work. In the main, that depression was more of a blessing than it was a curse, if analyzed in the light of  the changes it brought."

Law of compensation in very clear terms: "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
The whole of what we know if a system of compensations. Every defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up; every debt is paid."

For one thing I have learned that those who meet with difficulties which seem insurmountable may, if they will do so, best overcome these difficulties by forgetting them for a time and helping others who have greater problems.

The value of giving before trying to get

As long as I remain on good terms with my "other-self." I shall be able to acquire every material thing that I need. Moreover, I shall be able to find happiness and peace of mind.

Material and financial fortunes, when reduced to their most liquid terms, are measurable in terms of bank balances. Bank balances are no stronger than banks. This other fortune is measurable, not only in terms of peace of mind and contentment but as manifested in those adept at prayer.

The power which translates one's though of desires into realities has its source in an infinite intelligence which knows more about plans than the one doing the praying.

The plan must be transmuted, through self effort action.

Is praying a part of your life? Do you trust God to "hand over the plan best suited for the attainment of the object" of your prayer? Do you acknowledge that in order for your plan to be successful you must take action?

may we all make an inventory of our blessings in life. And give thanks for every gift that we have been given. I know that when I am at a low in my life, I force myself to think of my family and friends and the blessings they brought to my life. It is the quickest path up and puts temporary setbacks into perspective.

"Every individual has the power to change his or her material or financial status by first changing the nature of his or her beliefs."

Do not confuse the word "belief" with the word "wish." The two are not the same. Everyone is capable of "wishing" for financial, material, spiritual advantages, but the element of faith is the only sure power by which a wish may be translated into a belief, and a belief into reality.

The mind acts upon one's dominating, or most pronounced desires. There is no escape from this fact. It is a fact indeed. "Be careful what you set your heart upon, for it surely shall be yours."

Faith is the beginning of all the great achievement

Nothing within reason is impossible to the man who knows and relies upon his "other self." Whatever man believes to be true has a way of becoming true.

((P + T) x A x A) + F = your personal success equation

Combining your passion with your talent and then seeking the right association and taking the right action are very important components for success. But it is when you combine all those components with a strong faith in yourself and your mission that you truly have your personal success equation.


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