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Showing posts from January, 2021

Hypnotic Rhythm

 Any impulse of thought that the mind repeats over and over through the habits form an organized rhythm. Undesirable habits can be broken. They must be broken before they assume the proportions of rhythm. Rhythm is the last stage of habit! Any though or physical movement which is repeated over and over the principle of habit finally reaches the proportion of rhythm. Then the habit cannot be broken because nature takes it over and makes it permanent. It is something like a whirlpool in water. An object may keep floating indefinitely unless it is caught in a whirlpool. Then it is carried round and round but it cannot escape the energy with which people think may be compared with water in a river. Says the devil: "Those who control and use their own minds escape my web." Says the devil: "The time they [people] spend in fearing something would, if reversed, give them all they want in the material world and save them from me after death." If your mind fears poverty, your...
Flattery is the chief bait through which man seduce women Sometimes in fact, frequently women use the same bait to control men, especially men who cannot mastered through sex appeal. Flattery is the chief bait with which my agents weave their way into the confidence of people from whom they procure information needed to carry on warfare. Non-drifters are not easily flattered. I inspire people to use flattery in every human relationship Where its use is possible because those who are influenced by it becomes easy victims of the drifting habits. Through what motive can women be most easily flattered? Their vanity. Tell a woman she is pretty or that she wears clothes well. What motive is most effective in harpooning men? Egotism, Tell a man he has a strong herculean body or that he is a great business tycoon, and he will purr like a cat and smile like an opposum! Women infuence men through a technique consisting, first, of ability to inject soft, cooing baby tones into their voices, and s...

Drifting with Devil

 People who think for themselves never drift, while those who do little or no thinking for themselves are drifters.  A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances outside of his own mind. A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws in his way without making a protest or putting up a fight. He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that. A drifter is one who is too lazy mentally to use his own brain. Those who do little or no thinking for themselves are drifters. A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances outside of his own mind. The devil will enter a child's mind through fear and then limit the child's power to think independently. People who think accurately do not drift on any subject. They recognize the power of their own minds. Moreover they take over that power and yield it to no person or influence. Says the devil: "I cause people to all...

Interview with the devil

 Every great leader of the past, was beset by difficulties and met with temporary defeat before 'arriving'. These great leaders surrounded themselves with master minds. They conquered their inner struggles with adversity and then used the power of the master mind to propel their successes. Consider how you could form a mastermind group a team to help you overcome adversity and propel you to success. Says the devil: "One of my cleverest devices for mind control is fear.. The fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death."
  Faith has a new meaning to me "There is something infinitely worse than being forced to work. It is being forced not to work. In the main, that depression was more of a blessing than it was a curse, if analyzed in the light of  the changes it brought." Law of compensation in very clear terms: "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else." The whole of what we know if a system of compensations. Every defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up; every debt is paid." For one thing I have learned that those who meet with difficulties which seem insurmountable may, if they will do so, best overcome these difficulties by forgetting them for a time and helping others who have greater problems. The value of giving before trying to get As long as I remain on good terms with my "other-self." I shall be able to acquire every material...
We strongly agree that to be wealthy you need to think wealthy. It is also important to be in the right environment. Will you be guided by faith? Or will you allow fear to overtake you? A new world is revealed to me You make an impression on everyone you meet, just as everyone you meet makes an impression on you. You never know when an acquantance may became a business associate. There is great power in your network. "Your only limitation is the one which you set up in your own mind!" I am not sure that I understand just what this "other self" is but I do know that there can be no permanent defeat for the man or the woman who discovers it and relies upon it. The "other self" follows no precedents, recognizes no limitations, and always finds a way to accomplish desired ends! It may meet with temporary defeat, but not with permanent failure. I am sure of the soundness of this statements as I am of the fact of being engaged in writting these lines. The "...

Defeat is converted into Victory

  "You will find happiness only by helping others to find it." Doubt makes its appearance "The urge to continue was stronger than the desire to quit." Remember the time when you wanted to quit, but something drove you to keep going? It may have been your "other self." Force yourself to discover your "other self." By working throught the low points in your life and perserving, you can gain the insight needed to succeed.

Notes from "Outwitting the devil"

 "Fear is the tool of a man made devil. Self-confident faith in one's self is both man-made weapon which defeats this devil and the man made tool which builds a triumphant life. And is more than that. It is link to irresistible forces of the universe which stand behind a man who does not believe in failure and defeat as being anything but temporary experiences -Napoleon Hill "Most real failures are due to limitations which men setup in their own minds." A negative mindset and self doubt can be the primary obstacle to success. "Again I became 'fidgety' inside. I was not happy. It became more obvious everyday that no amount of money would ever make me happy." Can you think of a time in your life when you made a difficult decision.. but knew it was the right one even when others questioned you? "The worst of all human ailments: Indecision." Have you ever felt paralyzed by indecision?


 Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. -John Adams


 I never allow myself to become discouraged under any circumstances.. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work; second, stick to itiveness; third, common sense. -Thomas Edison When opportunity knocks, make sure you go to the door. However, sometimes we must make our own opportunities. Important people will help you if you are really serius Truly great people are gracious. The real difference between men is energy. A strong will, a settled purpose, an invincible determination can accomplish almost anything; and in this lies the distinction between great men and little men. -Thomas Fuller In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.  Jesus, Matthew 7:12 When it comes to our own behavior, we judge ourselves by our motivations. When it comes to other people's behavior, we judge them by their actions and words. Even broke clock was right twice a day