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Kindling your inner fire

Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into the flames of achievement.
-Foster C. McClellan

He who serves the most, reaps the most, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the way to inner peace and outer fulfillment.

People who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Those who are truly enlightened know what they want out of life, emotionally, materially, physically and spiritually. Clearly defined priorities and goals for every aspect of your life will serve a role similar to that played by a lighthouse, offering you guidance and refuge when the seas become rough.
Anyone can revolutionize their lives once they revolutionize the direction in which they are moving. But if you don't even know where you are going, how will you ever know when you get there?

One would think that the less one worked the more one would have the chance to experience happiness. However, the real source of happiness can be stated in a word: achievement. Lasting happiness comes from steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing confidently in the direction of your life's purpose. This is the secret to kindling the inner fire that lurks within you.

Achievement need not be of the material sort. Personally, my objectives are to attain peace of mind, self-mastery and enlightenment. If I fail to accomplish these goals by the end of my life, I am certain that I will die feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.

When you clearly know what aims you wish to achieve over the course of your life, be they material, emotional, physical or spiritual, and you spend your days accomplishing them, you will ultimately find eternal joy.

You must know your life's aim and then manifest this vision into reality by consistent action.

There is never a risk in discovering yourself and the mission of your life. Self knowledge is the DNA of self-enlightenment. It is a very good, indeed essential thing.

Remember, you will not find true joy in sleeping, in relaxing or in spending your time like an idler. As Benjamin Disraeli said: 'The secret of success is constancy of purpose.' The happiness you are searching for comes through reflecting on the worthy aims you are dedicated to achieving and then taking action daily to advance them.

Things which are most important should never be sacrificed to those things which are the least important.

The key is to have the discipline and vision to see your heroic mission and to ensure that it serves other people while you realize it.

If I have seen farther than others, it is simply because I have stood on the shoulders of great teachers.

Here's another example. Yogi Raman was an expert archer, a true master. To illustrate his philosophy on the importance of setting clearly defined objectives in every aspect of one's life and fulfilling one's mission, he offered a demonstration "Near where we were sitting there was a magnificent oak tree. The sage pulled one of the roses from the garland he habitually wore and placed it on the center of the trunk. He then pulled three objects from the large knapsack that was his constant companion whenever he ventured to distant mountain climes such as the one we were visiting. The first object was his favorite bow, made of a wonderfully fragrant yet sturdy sandalwood. The second item was an arrow. The third object was a lily-white handkerchief — the kind I used to wear in the pocket of my expensive suits to impress judges and juries," Julian added apologetically. Yogi Raman then asked Julian to put the handkerchief over his eyes as a blindfold. "How far away from the rose am I?" Yogi Raman asked his pupil. "One hundred feet," Julian guessed. "Have you ever observed me in my daily practice of this ancient sport of archery?" the sage queried, in full knowledge of the response that would come. "I have seen you strike the bull's-eye from a mark almost three hundred feet away and I cannot recall a time that you have ever missed at your current distance," Julian noted dutifully. Then, with his eyes covered by the cloth and his feet placed securely in the earth, the teacher drew the bow with all his energy and released the arrow — aiming directly at the rose hanging from the tree. The arrow struck the large oak with a thud, missing its mark by an embarrassingly large distance. "I thought you were going to display more of your magical abilities, Yogi Raman. What happened?" "We have traveled to this isolated place for one reason only I have agreed to reveal all my worldly wisdom to you. Today's demonstration is meant to reinforce my advice on the importance of setting clearly defined objectives in your life and knowing precisely where you are going. What you just saw confirms the most important principle for anyone seeking to attain their goals and to fulfill their life's purpose: you will never be able to hit a target that you cannot see. People spend their whole lives dreaming of becoming happier, living with more vitality and having an abundance of passion. Yet they do not see the importance of taking even ten minutes a month to write out their goals and to think deeply about the meaning of their lives, their Dharma. Goal setting will make your life magnificent. Your world will become richer, more delightful and more magical."

You change your life the moment you set your goals and start to seek out your Dharma.

Concentrate every ounce of your mental energy on self-discovery. Learn what you excel at and what makes you happy.

So from this moment onward, be acutely aware of your aim in life. Awaken your mind to the abundance of possibility around you.

When you decide to start concentrating your mind on your life's main aims, your mind starts to filter out the unimportant and focus only on the important.

Don't be embarrassed. You master the art of goal-setting  and goal getting  by starting off small.

The main reason people do not follow through on any resolutions they make is that it is too easy to slip back into their old ways. Pressure is not always a bad thing. Pressure can inspire you to achieve great ends. People generally achieve magnificent things when their backs are up against the wall and they are forced to tap into the wellspring of human potential that lies within them.

Once you make your goal known to the world, there will instantly be pressure on you to work towards its fulfillment since no one likes to look like a failure.

If we did not follow through on our commitments, such as getting up daily at 4:00 a.m. We should punish ourselves. This is an extreme illustration of the power that pressure can exert on the building of good habits and the attainment of goals.

The point is simply that when you train your mind to associate pleasure with good habits and punishment with bad ones, your weaknesses will quickly fall by the wayside.

 Five steps to follow to make my desires come true.
1. To have a clear vision of your outcome
2. Create positive pressure to keep you inspired
3. Never set a goal without attaching a timeline to it
4. For new behavior to crystallize into a habit, one had to perform the new activity for twenty-one days in a row

Remember that a goal that is not committed to paper is no goal at all.

 A bad habit once acquired could never be erased.
The only way to permanently install a new habit is to direct so much energy toward it that the old one slips away like an unwelcome house guest. The installation is generally complete in about twenty-one days, the time it takes to create a new neural pathway.

Never do anything because you have to. The only reason to do something is because you want to and because you know it is the right thing for you to do.


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