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Procrastination robs you of opportunity. It is a significant fact that no great leader was ever known to procrastinate. You are fortunate if ambition drives you into action, never permitting you to falter or turn back once you have rendered a decision to go forward.

You may be shocked if you kept accurate account of the time you waste in a single day. Second by second, as the clock ticks off the distance, time is running a race with you. Delay means defeat, because no one may ever make up a second of lost time. Wasted time is one of the chief causes of failure.

Time is also, however, a master worker that heals the wounds of failure and disappointment, and rights all wrongs and turns all mistakes into capital. But it favors only those who kill off procrastination and remain in action when there are decisions to be made.

Life is a great checkerboard. The player opposite you is Time. If you hesitate you will be wiped off the board. If you keep moving you may win. The only real capital is time, but it is capital only when used. The other player is Mr. Average Man; let us call him you. Move by move, Time has wiped off Mr. Average Man's men until he is finally cornered where Time will get him no matter which way he moves. Indecision has driven him into that corner.

Ask any well-informed salesperson and they will tell you that indecision is the outstanding weakness of the majority of people.

Every salesperson is familiar with that old excuse "I will think it over," which is the last line of defense of those who do not have the courage to say either yes or no. While they can't decide which way to move, Time forces them into a corner where they can't move.

The great leaders of the world were people of quick decision.
The suspense of indecision drives millions of people to failure. A condemned man once said that the thought of his approaching execution was not so terrifying once he had reached the decision in his own mind to accept the inevitable.

The lack of decision is the chief stumbling block of all revival meeting workers. Their entire work is to get men and women to reach a decision in their own minds to accept a given religious tenet. Billy Sunday once said, "Indecision is the devil's favorite tool."

-Theodore Roosevelt

Imagination alone is not enough to ensure success. Millions of people have Imagination and build plans that would easily bring them both fame and fortune, but those plans never reach the decision stage.

-Josh Billings

The person of decision gets what he or she goes after, no matter how long it takes or how difficult the task.

The person of decision cannot be stopped. The person of indecision cannot be started. Make your own choice. 


The successful men and women are those who reach decisions quickly and then stand firmly by those decisions after they are made.

If you are one of those who make up their minds today then and change them again tomorrow, you are doomed to failure. If you are not sure which way to move, it is better to shut your eyes and move in the dark than to remain still and make no move at all. 

The world will forgive you if you make mistakes, but it will never forgive you if you make no decisions, because it will never hear of you outside the community in which you live. 

No matter who you are or what may be your life's work, you are playing checkers with Time! It is always your next move. Move with quick decision, and Time will favor you. Stand still and Time will wipe you off the board. You cannot always make the right move, but if you make enough moves you may take advantage of the law of averages and pile up a creditable score before the great game of life is ended.  


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