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No undesirable environment is strong enough to hold the man or woman who understands how to apply the principle of autosuggestion in the creation of a definite chief aim. Such a person can throw off the shackles of poverty; destroy the most deadly disease germs; rise from lowly station in life to power and plenty.

All great leaders base their leadership on a definite chief aim followers are willing followers when they know their leader is a person with a definite aim who has the courage to back up that purpose with action. Even a balky horse knows when a driver with a definite chief aim takes hold of the reigns, and it yields to that driver. When a person with a definite chief aim starts through a crowd everybody stands aside and makes a way for them. But let that person hesitate and show by their actions that they are not sure which way they want to go, and the crowd will step all over their toes and refuse to budge an inch out of the way. Nowhere is the lack of definite chief aim more noticeable or more detrimental that it is in the relationship between parent and child. Children sense very quickly the wavering attitude of their parents and they will take advantage of that attitude quite freely. It is the same all through life those with a definite chief aim command respect and attention at all times.

The definite purpose  and finance

If a ship lost its rudder in mid ocean and began circling around, it would soon exhaust its fuel supply without reaching shore, despite that it would use up enough energy to carry it to shove and back several times. The person who labors without a definite purpose backed by a definite plan for its attainment resembles the ship that has lost its rudder.

Hard labor and good intentions are not sufficient to carry anyone through success, for how many of us be sure that we have attained success unless a definite desired objective had been established in our minds.

Every well built house started in the form of definite purpose plus a definite plan in the nature of a set of blueprints. Imagine what would happen if one tried to build a house by the haphazard method, without plans. Workmen would be in each other's way building materials would be piled all over the lot before the foundation was even completed, and everybody on the job would have different notions as to how the house ought to be built.Result: Chaos and misunderstandings, and cost that would be prohibitive

If success depends upon power, and if power is organized effort, and if the first step in the direction of organizations is a definite purpose one may easily see why such a purpose is essential.

Until you select a definite purpose in life you dissipate your energies and spread your thoughts over so many subjects and in so many different directions that lead not to power but to indecision and weakness.

with the aid of a magnifying glass you can teach yourself a great lesson on the value of organized effort. Through the use of such a glass you can focus the sun's rays on a definite spot so strongly that they will burn a hole through a plank. Remove the glass(which represent the definite purpose) and the rays of sun may shine on that same plank for a million years without burning it.

Andrew Carnegie's advice was "Place all your eggs in one basket and then watch the basket to see that no one kicks it over." By that meant, of course, that we should not dissipate any of our energies by engaging in sidelines.

A man who had no legs once met a man who was blind. He proposed to the blind man that they form an alliance that would be of great benefit to both. "You let me climbs upon your back," said to the blind man, "Then I will use your legs and you may use my eyes. Between the two of us we will get along more rapidly."


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