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A Definite Chief Aim

The best rose bush, after all, is not that which has the fewest torn, but that which bears, the finest roses. - Henry Van Dyke

You can do it if you believe you can!

Singleness of purpose is essential for success, no matter what way be one's idea of the definition of success. Yet singleness of purpose is also a quality of which may, and generally does, call for thought on many allied subjects.

You should be engaged in the business of training for success in the battle of life. To win there are many factors that must have attention. A well organized, alert , and energetic is produced by various and sundry stimuli. It should be remembered, however, that just as the physical body, to be properly developed, calls for many forms of systematic exercise, the mind also requires, for its development, a variety of exercise.

Humility is a forerunner of success!
Until we become humble in our own hearts, we are not appropriate to profit greatly by the experiences and thoughts of others.

Success in life is largely predicated upon who we know!

The best place to study the human animal is in your own mind, by taking as accurate an inventory as possible of yourself. When you know yourself thoroughly you will also know much about others.

To know others, not as they seem to be but as they really are study them through.

-The posture of the body and the way they walk.
-The tone of the voice, its quality, pitch, volume.
-The eyes, whether shifty or direct.
-The use of words, their trend, nature & quality.

Through these open windows you can literally "walk right into a persons soul" and take a look at the real human being!

Going step further, If you would know people, study them.

-When angry.
-When in love.
-When money is involved.
-When eating.
-When writing.
-When in trouble.
-When joyful and triumphant.
-When downcast and defeated.
-When facing catastrophe of a hazardous nature.
-When trying to make a good impression on others.
-When informed of another's misfortune.
-When informed of another's good fortune.
-When losing in any sort of a game of sport.
-When winning at sport.
-When alone, in a meditative mood.

Before you can know people as they really are, you must observe them in all the foregoing woods, and perhaps more, which is practically the equivalent of saying that you have no right to judge others at sight.

Appearances count, there can be no doubt of that, but appearances are often deceiving.

No person is educated who has not at least a speaking acquaintance with the law of compensation as it is described by Emerson.

Few people are willing to hear the truth when it shows up their own weaknesses,

We prefer illusions to realities!

New truths, if accepted at all, are taken with the proverbial grain of salt. Some of us demand more than a pinch of salt; we demand enough to pickle new ideas so they become useless.

Something in human nature makes us resent the impact of new ideas.

We all hate to be disturbed in the beliefs and prejudices that have been handed down with the family furniture. At maturity too many of us go into hibernation and live off the fat of ancient fetishes. If a new idea invades our den we rise up snarling from our winter sleep.

Open your mind.

There is no adequate reason why the average person should ever close their mind to fresh slants on life. But they do, just the same.

For every 10 people who are physically lazy there are 10,000 others with stagnant minds. And stagnant minds are the breeding places of fear.

Every person should make it his or her business to gather new ideas from sources other than the environment in which he or she daily lives and works.

The human mind becomes withered, stagnant, narrow, and closed until it searches for new ideas.

Do not be afraid of new ideas. They may mean to you the difference between success and failure.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information; which is proof against all arguments; and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.

By and large there is no such thing as something for nothing. In the long run you get exactly that for which you pay, whether you are buying an automobile or a loaf of bread.


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