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Wealth file #17 Rich people constantly lean and grow. Poor people think the already know

The three most dangerous words in the english language. Those words are "I know that." So how do you know if you know something? Simple. IF you life it, you know it. Otherwise, you heard it, you read about it, or you talk about it, but you don't know it.

Poor people are often. Trying to prove that they're right. "You can be right or you can be rich, but you can't be both."
Being "right" means having to hold on to your old ways of thinking and being.

You can be right or you can be happy.

Jim Rohn uses that makes perfect sense here: "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got."

If a plant isn't growing, it is dying. It's the same with people as well as all other living organisms: If you are not growing, you are dying.

If you're not continously learning, you will be left behind.

Poor people claim they can't afford to get educated due to lack of time or money. On the other hand, rich people relate to benjamin franklin's quote: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

"Knowledge is power." and power is the ability to act.

I believe a good coach will always ask you more than you will ask of yourself. Otherwise, why do you need one?

Success is a learnable skill. You can learn to succeed at anything. If you want to be a great piano player, you can learn how to do it. If you want to be rich, you can learn how to do it. It doesn't matter where you are right now. It doesn't matter where you are starting from. What matters is that you are willing to learn.

"Every master was once a disaster." -T. Harv Eker

No one comes out of the womb a financial genius. Every rich pesron learned how to succeed at the money game, and so can you. Remember, if they can do it, I can do it.

The fastest way to get rich and stay rich is to work on developing you! The idea is to grow yourself into a "successful" person. Again, your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world. You are the root; your results are the fruits.

Heed this warning, however. If you don't do the inner work on yourself, and somehow you make a lot of money, it would most likely be a stroke of luck and there's a good chance you'd lose it. But if you become a successful "person" inside and out, you'll not only make it, you'll keep it, grow it, and most important, you'll be truly happy.

Rich people understand the order of success is BE, DO, HAVE.
Poor and middle class people believe the order to success is HAVE, DO, BE

Poor and middle-class people believe "IF I have a lot of money, then I could do what I want and I'd be a success."
Rich People understand, "If I become a successful person, I will be able to do what I need to do to have what I want, including a lot of money."

The goal of creating wealth is not primarily to have a lot of money, the goal of creating wealth is to help you grow yourself into the best peson you can possible be. In fact, that is the goal of all goals, to grow yourself as a person.

Success is not a "what," it's a "who." The good news is that "who" you are is totally trainable and learnable.

To get paid the best, you must be the best.
Rich people not only continue to learn, they make sure they learn from those who have already been where they themselves want to go.

Rich people take advice from people who are richer than they are. Poor people take advice from their friends, who are just as broke as they are.

If you learn from those who are broke, even if they're consultants, coaches, or planners, there's only one thing they can teach you -How to be broke.

Declaration: "I am committed to constantly learning and growing."
Touch your head and say... "I have a millionaire mind."


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