T -> F -> A = R
Wealth principle: Thoughts leads to feelings. Feelings leads to actions. Actions lead to result.
Your financial blueprint consists of a combination of your thoughts, feelings, actions in the arena of money.
So how is your money blueprint formed? The answer is simple. Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the information or "programming" you received in the past, and especially as a young child.
Where does Thoughts come from? It comes from your programming.
P -> T -> F -> A = R
Your programming leads to your thoughts; your thoughts lead to your feelings; your feelings lead to your actions; your actions lead to your results.
Verbal programming: What did you hear when you were young?
Modelling: What did you see when you were young?
Specific Incidents: What did you experience when you were young?
Wealth principle: When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions will always win.
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