You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world, but if your "blueprint" isn't set for success, you're financially doomed.
A word of wisdom: Saving for a rainy day might sound like a good idea, but it can create big problems. If you are saving your money for a rainy day, what are you going to get? Rainy days!
Stop doing that. Instead focus on saving for joyous days or for the day you win your financial freedom. Then by virtue of the law of intention, that's exactly what you will get.
The reason or motivation you have for making money or creating success is vital. If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to "prove" yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.
By unlinking your money motivation from anger, fear, and the need to prove yourself, you can install new links for earning your money through purpose, contribution, and joy. That way, you'll never have to get rid of your money.
Steps for change: Modelling
Awareness: consider the ways of being and habits of your parents had around money and wealth. Write down how you may be identical or opposite to either of them.
Understanding: Write down the effect this modeling has had on your financial life.
Disassociation: Can you see this way of being is only what you learned and isn't you? Can you see you have a choice in the present moment to be different?
Declaration: Place your hand over your heart and say.
"What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way."
Touch your heart and say.. I have a millionaire mind!
A word of wisdom: Saving for a rainy day might sound like a good idea, but it can create big problems. If you are saving your money for a rainy day, what are you going to get? Rainy days!
Stop doing that. Instead focus on saving for joyous days or for the day you win your financial freedom. Then by virtue of the law of intention, that's exactly what you will get.
The reason or motivation you have for making money or creating success is vital. If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to "prove" yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.
By unlinking your money motivation from anger, fear, and the need to prove yourself, you can install new links for earning your money through purpose, contribution, and joy. That way, you'll never have to get rid of your money.
Steps for change: Modelling
Awareness: consider the ways of being and habits of your parents had around money and wealth. Write down how you may be identical or opposite to either of them.
Understanding: Write down the effect this modeling has had on your financial life.
Disassociation: Can you see this way of being is only what you learned and isn't you? Can you see you have a choice in the present moment to be different?
Declaration: Place your hand over your heart and say.
"What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way."
Touch your heart and say.. I have a millionaire mind!
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